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与 past 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Software Description: About River Past Cam 3D, This software enables you to record 3D anaglyph stereo video from two webcams.

River Past Cam 3D 这款软件让你能够从两台网络摄像头记录三维立体声的视频。

But our system, with its single-member districts and "first past the post" elections, is winner take all and damn the hindmost, a setup in which winners govern while losers look balefully on, preparing themselves for the next battle.

但我们的制度推行的是单一选区和"简单多数就胜选(first past the post直译"头马过杆法")",谁赢谁通吃,在这种体制下,赢家当政,输家此时只得一边干瞪眼一边准备下一轮的战役。

Although he had plans to either write a book or make a film (which he would call ''Digging up the Past''), Morris never completed his Ed Gein project. In the fall of 1976, Werner Herzog visited Plainfield again, this time to use the scenery for some shots in his film ''

他的目的是拍成一部电影(起名叫''Digging up the Past'')或是著书出版,但这个关于Ed Gein的计划最终并未完成。76年夏天,赫尔佐格再次来到Plainfield,为他的电影《史楚锡流浪记》拍些外景镜头。

Unlike most established tools, PAST does not prefilter the dataset or exclude parts of the search space based on statistical reasoning.


At the end of the movie, Ming Tiam said:" You must forget the past, then you can live."

最后明甜说:&You must forget the past, then you can live。&

Following the ideal path of this time capsule one will enter through the half open stone carved abstract mouth (beginning of time/past) and exit near the end of the axis through the hi-tech band of clear glass representing the present while lastly looking up towards the fraying and flaying tendrils of the representing the optimistic future upon exiting.

在这个时间胶囊以后理想的道路你将进入通过半开放石头被雕刻的抽象嘴(time/past 起点)并且将退出在轴附近的结尾通过清楚的玻璃 hi-tech 带代表礼物当最后查找往代表乐观未来的磨损的和 flaying 卷须在退出。

I sat in the cafe by the cracker factory You were practicing a magic trick And my thoughts got rude, As you talked and chewed On the last of your pick and mix Said your mistaken if your thinking that I haven't been caught cold before As you bit into your strawberry lace And then a flip in your attention in the form of a gobstopper Is all you have left and it was going to waste Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I love that little game you had called Crying lightning And how you like to aggravate The ice-cream man on rainy afternoons The next time that I caught my own reflection It was on it's way to meet you Thinking of excuses to postpone You never look like yourself from the side But your profile did not hide The fact you knew I was approaching your throne With folded arms you occupy the bench like toothache Saw them, puff your chest out like you never lost a war And though I try so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction There was no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw And your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying lightning And how you like to aggravate The icky man on rainy afternoons Uninviting But not half as impossible as everyone assumes You are crying lightning Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying lightning Crying lightning Crying lightning Crying lightning Your past-times, consisted of the strange And twisted and deranged And I hate that little game you had called Crying


The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love.A man may be a doddering great-grand-father and still love only a strange girl he saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past.The preacher may love a fallen woman.The beloved may be treacherous, greasy-headed,and given to evil habits .


Discuss all past reactions with the health care proider ;aoid all known substances that may cause an allergic shock reaction;(2)wear an ID bracelet to alert bystanders and medical personnel ;carrying an allergy kit all time for self-treatment when necessary,make sure your friends;relaties and co-workers know what to do in case help is needed;if you are experiencing allergic shock and waiting for help,lie down and raise the legs aboe the heart leel to increase blood circulation to the brain and heart;begin CPR on anyone haing an allergic shock reaction who stop breathing.

discuss all past reactions with the health care proider避免接触已知的致敏原,wear an ID bracelet to alert bystanders and medical personnel;随身携带一个用于自救的治疗过敏的用具包,确认你的朋友、亲戚和工友知道当急救的方法。当你过敏性休克在等待帮助时,你最好躺下来,将下肢抬高至心脏水平以上,来增加大脑和心脏的循环血量。当发生心跳停止时,要立刻进行心肺脑复苏。

It features a 10mm 92.5% pure Sterling Silver band inscribed "The Ghost of Christmas Past".

它带有10毫米宽、刻有&The Ghost of Christmas Past&的92.5 %纯银饰圈。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Journey To The Past
Half Past Loving You
Kiss Your Past Good-Bye
Past, Present And Future
Past Forever
Don't Let The World Turn Past Me
Past Is Past
My Past Brought Me To You (Your Past Brought You To Me)
I'm Through With The Past (But The Past Isn't Through With Me)
The Past Is The Past

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。