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与 order 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It assumes survival time follow exponential distribution and quality of life initial value follow beta distribution. In order to correlate present quality of life with former quality of life, each quality of life were evaluations generated from AR(1) model. In addition, we set parameters of AR(1) model between 0 and 1, calculates expected QAST from different parameter combinations.

假设存活时间服从指数分布、生活品质初始值服从Beta分布,并利用时间序列一阶自我回归过程First-Order Autoregression Process, AR(1的模型产生各次生活品质评量值,使当次的生活品质与前一次的生活品质产生相关性,并将AR(1)模型中的参数设定为介於0与1之间的值,且产生不同的组合。

We'll begin switching our data model to use sprocs by starting with the order object.nbsp

我们用存储过程来对我们的数据模型进行转换,先对 order 对象进行操作

Using first order plug-flow reactor model, BOD5 removal rate constants of the whole wetland system were estimated to be 0.50 1/day (at 24℃) and 0.76 1/day (at 24℃) in the start-up and stable phase, respectively. These values were comparable to or even higher than the value of deoxygenation rate constant, 0.23 1/day (at 20℃), that is normally used in the river water-quality model.

由一阶柱塞流反应器模式(first order plug-flow reactor model)估算人工湿地系统启动阶段及稳定操作阶段的BOD5去除速率常数平均分别为0.50 1/day(24℃)及0.76 1/day(24℃),相当於或甚至高於一般河川水质自净模式中的BOD5脱氧速率常数的0.232 1/day(20℃)。

This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的"良性"分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有"优"的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

With ROW partitions, we do not have the limitation of RANGE partition - the data may be of any type and the order by may include many columns.

对于 ROW的划分,不受 RANGE划分的限制——数据可以是任何类型, order by 可包括许多列。

However, in relation to interlocutory applications, it will now simply be an option rather than the prescribed 'usual order': Order 62 rule 3(2A).

然而,就非正审申请而言,它现在仅是一个可选方案,而非固定的「常态」:Order 62 rule 3(2A)。

In a Make-to-Stock or an Assembly-to-Order environment, Base model and Commonality model, which are characterized by multiple end products, multiple components, multiple stages, with stochastic demands and a periodic review order-up-to base-stock policy in a multi-period setting, have been introduced, formulated and analyzed.


This dissertation investigates the construction of pseudo-random sequences (pseudo-random numbers) from elliptic curves and mainly analyzes their cryptographic properties by using exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves. The main results are as follows:(1) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve linear congruential generator is discussed and the lower bound of its nonlinear complexity is given.(2) Two large families of binary sequences are constructed from elliptic curves. The well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of the resulting sequences are studied. The results indicate that they are "good" binary sequences which give a positive answer to a conjecture proposed by Goubin et al.(3) A kind of binary sequences from an elliptic curve and its twisted curves over a prime field F_p. The length of the sequences is 4p. The "1" and "0" occur almost the same times. The linear complexity is at least one-fourth the period.(4) The exponential sums over rational points along elliptic curves over ring Z_ are estimated and are used to estimate the well distribution measure and the correlation measure of order k of a family of binary sequences from elliptic curves over ring Z_.(5) The correlation of the elliptic curve power number generator is given. It is proved that the sequences produced by the elliptic curve quadratic generator are asymptotically uniformly distributed.(6) The uniform distribution of the elliptic curve subset sum generator is considered.(7) We apply the linear feedback shift register over elliptic curves to produce sequences with long periods. The distribution and the linear complexity of the resulting sequences are also considered.

本文研究利用椭圆曲线构造的伪随机序列,主要利用有限域上椭圆曲线有理点群的指数和估计讨论椭圆曲线序列的密码性质——分布、相关性、线性复杂度等,得到如下主要结果:(1)系统讨论椭圆曲线-线性同余序列的一致分布性质,即该类序列是渐近一致分布的,并给出了它的非线性复杂度下界;(2)讨论两类由椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的&良性&分布与高阶相关性(correlation of order κ),这两类序列具有&优&的密码性质,也正面回答了Goubin等提出的公开问题;(3)利用椭圆曲线及其挠曲线构造一类二元序列,其周期为4p(其中椭圆曲线定义在有限域F_p上),0-1分布基本平衡,线性复杂度至少为周期的四分之一;(4)讨论了剩余类环Z_上的椭圆曲线的有理点的分布估计,并用于分析一类由剩余类环Z_上椭圆曲线构造的二元序列的伪随机性;(5)讨论椭圆曲线-幂生成器序列的相关性及椭圆曲线-二次生成器序列的一致分布;(6)讨论椭圆曲线-子集和序列的一致分布;(7)讨论椭圆曲线上的线性反馈移位寄存器序列的分布,线性复杂度等性质。

If an order by clause is present, it reorders the tuples in the tuple stream into a new, value-based order.

如果存在order by子句,它以一个新的,基于值的次序排序元组流中的元组。

Today we tell about the expression,"apple pie order." It means in perfect order, very well organized.

今天我们讲短语& apple pie order&意思是排列有序,组织合理。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
The Order Of Things
Order What U Want
Order 20 Keys
Order My Steps (Dear Lord)
Old Soul Song (For The New World Order)
Best Of Order
Out Of Order
Restraining Order Blues
Just Some Order
Order 1081

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
