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与 noble 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Works within the Commodity Traders sector with companies such as Cargill, Bunge and Noble.

在产品贸易部工作,合作的公司有 Cargill,Bunge 和 Noble 。

Mr Chávez called this "ridiculous", questioning the impartiality of Mr Noble, who is American, and labelling him a "gringo policeman".


Partners in both life and art, Tim Noble (1966) and Sue Webster (1967) explore the toxic influences of consumer culture through new modes of portraiture.

生活和事业的双重搭档Tim Noble (1966)和 Sue Webster (1967)通过透过别开生面的肖像画反映了消费文化对人们的毒害。

I don't know if that swag has hit for them yet, but at least the "Noble 12" can immediately get into Swordbase, Powerhouse and the like.


In the last years of the ancien régime, before the French Revolution, the old nobility, intent on keeping its privileges, had pushed for restrictions of certain offices and orders of chivalry to noblemen who could demonstrate that their family had enough "noble quarterings"(in French,'quartiers de noblesse'), a reference to a noble's ability to display armorially their descents from armigerous noble forebears in each of their lines of descent to demonstrate that they were descended from old noble families, who bore arms that could be quartered with their own male line arms, and thus prove that they did not derive merely from bourgeois families recently elevated to noble rank.

法国大革命前最后几年的复辟中,旧贵族试图捍卫他们的特权,他们推动特定部门的限令,在能证明自家具有足够贵族&quartiers&(法语'quartiers de noblesse')的人中间宣扬骑士精神。

In places like Olsson's bookstore in Arlington, Va., or Barnes and Noble at the Lincoln Triangle in New York City, sales of her resolutely embargoed memoir began at 12:01 a.m. this morning - a status usually reserved for hot albums or a new Harry Potter novel.

无论是在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿市的 Olsson 书店,还是在纽约市林肯三角洲区的 Barnes and Noble 书店,今天上午12点零1分开始销售她发了禁令的个人回忆录--通常销售热销唱片集或者哈里波特新书才有这样的待遇。

According to Dean Noble, director of marketing at Santa Barbara Zoo in California -- which is also offering tours -- this black-bodied bird is the master of post-coitus care.

据提供游览项目的加利福尼亚圣芭芭拉动物园市场部主管Dean Noble介绍,这种全身黑色的鸟是交友大师。

No other site, including Barnes and Noble, and Amazon in the US and the UK, are listing a page count for the book, and as this 700 is a round number, it's very possible this page count was listed as an approximation.

目前,包括英国和美国的Barnes and Noble和亚马逊等连锁书店在内,没有任何一家其它网站标明该书的页数。而且由于700页是个整数,这很有可能只是个大概的页数。

In appreciation to you support to our Charity Sales in benefit of Christina Noble Children's Foundation, the customer with biggest purchase during the charity sales period from now to 17th Dec 2009, will win a 4 days 3 nites stay + 2 way airport transfer to Tropical Vacation Villa in Philippines!

为了感谢你支持我们的义卖,在造福儿童基金会&Christina Noble Children's Foundation &CNCF,从现在到2009年12月17日,最高的慈善购物金额客户将赢得人菲律宾-苏比克 Tropical Paradise Village 4日3夜粉之度假别墅住宿+来回机场接送!

On Brighton's Palace Pier, where the Noble Organisation has invested in a dazzling array of slot machines and fairground rides, entry is free, as are deckchairs in which to sit and watch the sights of London-by-the-sea.

诺博公司(the Noble Organisation,一家英国的旅游和娱乐业公司,译注)出资给布莱顿的皇宫栈桥安装了一排的光彩照人的老虎机和旋转木马,上栈桥不再收费,人们还可以免费在甲板的长椅上安坐小憩,远眺&滨海小伦敦&的美景。

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Noble Surfer
Tigers Are Noble
Redman Meets Reggie Noble
The First Noble Truth
The First Noble Truth (Live)
Noble Aim

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。