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与 millionaire 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the death of her millionaire father, Adeline's stepmother prevented all the children from reading his will.


His money doesn't amount to much alongside of millionaire's.


Arkady Novikov, a Russian multi-millionaire restaurateur who owns 47 chain restaurants and many coffee chains, is paying £26 million to buy Villa Fontanelle, Versace's beautiful weekend home on the shores of Lake Como near Milan, much more than the asking price.


With its nonstop pace and fearless dives into affairs of the heart, Slumdog Millionaire is a dervish delight.

紧凑的节奏和大胆深入人性问题,Slumdog Millionaire是一部脱离苦难生活的欢乐记。

If you are not millionaire now, thanks to impermanence, you can become millionaire.


If I said this about Slumdog Millionaire, you'd be talking about me in the past tense.

如果我说这是关於著Slumdog Millionaire,你便会是在说过去式的我了。

He was made to appear as a young Westerner on a visit to the yacht of a millionaire business man, having come on from his ranch in the desert, and presumptively --to add the touch of godhead --a millionaire himself.


It's the most sparkled that the movie— Slum dog Millionaire characterize a trail of roles, which apply the principle of fiction The Three Musketeers. Just for this simple reason it novelizes the roles in the movie, which combines the dramatic style and narrative one pretty good.

Slumdog Millionaire》成功之一在于角色塑造characterization上,应用了&三个火枪手&的神话原理,使角色制造小说化novelistic,从而使电影在戏剧性与叙事性有较好的结合。

In this process, only some of millionaire towards a billionaire ranks, the only other millionaire repositioned its investment direction.


The gaudy Millionaire Fairs started out in Europe in 2002, the brainchild of Dutch media executive Yves Gijarth. Similar fairs are held in Amsterdam, Moscow, Cannes, Dubai and Courtrai, Belgium.

Millionaire Fair 2002年诞生于欧洲,最初由荷兰媒体大亨伊夫斯·吉加思创立,展会足迹遍及阿姆斯特丹、莫斯科、戛纳、迪拜和比利时的科特赖克。

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Ain't No Fun (Waiting Round To Be A Millionaire)
Poor Millionaire
Millionaire Dream
I Haven't Time To Be A Millionaire
White Trash Millionaire
The Millionaire's Holiday

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
