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与 medalist 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The day-to-day of the games still reigned: IOC President Jacques Rogge chided Jamaican sprinter and gold medalist Usain Bolt for his unsportsmanlike behavior; a Ukrainian athlete was asked to provide a urine sample after winning silver in the heptathlon; and the 110-meter hurdles took place in the evening without Chinese track star Liu Xiang, who was injured.

奥运会的日常事务还在进行:国际奥委会主席罗格指责牙买加短跑运动员和金牌获得者 Usain Bolt 的不道德行为;一名乌克兰运动员在赢得女子七项全能的银牌后被要求提供尿样;110米栏在晚上进行了比赛,而中国的田径明星刘翔因伤没有参加。

Griffith-Joyner Was the wife of 1984 Olympic triple-jump gold medalist Al Joyner and the sister-in-law of Jakie Joyner-Kersee, the world heptathlon record-holder.


Ukraine's heptathlon silver medalist Liudmyla Blonska has tested positive for using substances banned during the Beijing Games, the IOC said Wednesday.


For summer windsailing action, don't forget to cheer on Hong Kong Gold medalist windsurfer Lee Lai-shan at her fourth Olympic performance in Athens this August.


Promoters also announced that 2000 Olympic silver medalist and Houston native Rocky Juarez (28-4) will fight WBA featherweight champion Chris John (42-0-1) on the undercard.


The three-time Olympic gold medalist said her former coach gave her drug beginning in 1999. Jones said that told her it was flaxseed oil. Jones left training camp in 2002 and said she noticed a marked decrease in her performance when she stopped taking the drug.

这名奥运会三枚金牌得主称,从1999年开始她的前任教练Trevor Graham就给她服用此类药物,当时教练还告诉她那只是亚麻籽油。2002年,Jones离开了Graham的训练营地,并表示她已发现在她停止服用药物后,她的比赛成绩明显下降。

Historically, penholders use the same side of the racket for both forehand and backhand. In the 1990s, a number of Chinese players began using the reverse side of the racket to attack on the backhand, most prominently by Liu Guoliang (1996 Olympic Gold Medalist, 1999 World Champion), who used it mostly as a variation.


Skills : Both heavyweights are well-schooled former amateur stars (Klitschko was an Olympic gold medalist; Chagaev was a world amateur champ) who possess a solid foundation of technique and boxing ability.


And if you think that Jordan, a five-time NBA MVP, a six-time Finals MVP, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and the greatest per-game scorer in NBA history (30.1 ppg), will need to buy a ticket to walk through the Hall's doors in Springfield, Mass.,… well, you're on the wrong website.

而如果你认为五次NBA MVP,六次总决赛MVP,两届奥运会金牌得主和NBA史上最伟大的得分手(场均30.1分)的乔丹需要买一张票走过位于马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德的名人堂大门……那么,你走错网站了。

It ended sensationally, when China's first Olympic superstar, former triple gymnastics gold medalist Li Ning, was hoisted by wires to the top of the stadium, circled the circumference as though he were spacewalking and then touched the torch to a thin pipe, setting off a spiral of flame to ignite the mammoth, scroll-shaped cauldron overlooking Beijing.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
