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The very insistence on the unity of God emphasized also the distance of God from man, and was likely to end in making the union of God with man a mere indwelling or external union, after the fashion of that which was attributed to Nestorius.


The conquerd also, and enslav'd by Warr Shall with thir freedom lost all vertu loose And fear of God, from whom thir pietie feign'd In sharp contest of Battel found no aide [ 800 ] Against invaders; therefore coold in zeale Thenceforth shall practice how to live secure, Worldlie or dissolute, on what thir Lords Shall leave them to enjoy; for th' Earth shall bear More then anough, that temperance may be tri'd: [ 805 ] So all shall turn degenerate, all deprav'd, Justice and Temperance, Truth and Faith forgot; One Man except, the onely Son of light In a dark Age, against example good, Against allurement, custom, and a World [ 810 ] Offended; fearless of reproach and scorn, Or violence, hee of wicked wayes Shall them admonish, and before them set The paths of righteousness, how much more safe, And full of peace, denouncing wrauth to come [ 815 ] On thir impenitence; and shall returne Of them derided, but of God observd The one just Man alive; by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst, To save himself and houshold from amidst [ 820 ] A World devote to universal rack.


But the shadow was vague, and formless, and indefinite, and was the shadow neither of man nor of God- neither God of Greece, nor God of Chaldaea, nor any Egyptian God.


The divine messenger from the pleroma encourages man to eat from the tree of knowledge; and in so eating, man discovers that the jealous Creator - Demiurge (often linked with misspelled forms of Yahweh such as Yaldabaoth or Yao) is not in fact the ultimate God but really an enemy of God.

神圣的使者从pleroma鼓励男人从吃树的知识;并在这样吃,发现男子的嫉妒造物主-造物主(往往与拼写形式的耶和华如Y aldabaoth或姚明)事实上并非最终的上帝但真正的敌人,上帝。

And when man had fallen and yielded himself to the will of God's enemy, God in His infinite love set about the great work of winning man back to make the desires of God his own.


According to the Bible, God breathed the spirit of life into man with the kiss of life."And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul."


It is a way of looking at the human person from the perspective of man as imago dei,"image of God"- a creature who has a natural capacity to know the truth, and whose true beauty and goodness unfolds in the discovery and embracing of that truth. This was the main thesis of his very first encyclical letter, Redemptor Hominis which came out March 4, 1979 premised on the Christian conviction of Jesus as both true God and true man, understanding the truth about man should likewise lead us to Christ.


Pistis {pis'-tis} from 3982; TDNT - 6:174,849; n f AV - faith 239, assurance 1, believe + 1537 1, belief 1, them that believe 1, fidelity 1; 244 1 conviction of the truth of anything, belief; in the NT of a conviction or belief respecting man's relationship to God and divine things, generally with the included idea of trust and holy fervour born of faith and joined with it 1a relating to God 1a1 the conviction that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ 1b relating to Christ 1b1 a strong and welcome conviction or belief that Jesus is the Messiah, through whom we obtain eternal salvation in the kingdom of God 1c the religious beliefs of Christians 1d belief with the predominate idea of trust whether in God or in Christ, springing from faith in the same 2 fidelity, faithfulness 2a the character of one who can be relied on

相关经文回前一页 4102 pistis {pis'-tis}源自3982; TDNT - 6:174,849;阴性名词钦定本- faith 239, assurance 1, believe + 1537 1, belief 1, them that believe 1, fidelity 1; 244 1 对任何真理的坚信,相信;在新约里是针对人与神的关系以及属神的事的坚信和相信,一般都包含著信靠的观念,以及由相信而生的神圣火热,并加入其中 1a 与神有关 1a1 坚信神的存在,以及神是万有的创造者和统治者,是藉著基督的永恒救恩的供应者和赠与者 1b 与基督有关 1b1 一种强烈的和欣然接受的坚信或相信耶稣就是那一位弥赛亚,我们藉著祂在神的国度里得到永恒的救恩 1c 基督教的信仰 1d 对神或基督的那种信靠,是从对神和基督的信心所发出的 2 忠贞,忠实 2a 能让人信靠的个性

But since the opposition between the justice of God and our sins was such that no flesh by itself could or might have attained unto God, it behooved the Son of God to descend unto us and take himself a body of our body, flesh of our flesh, and bone of our bone, and so become the Mediator between God and man, giving power to as many as believe in him to be the sons of God; as he himself says, I ascend to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God.


In Christ God became man to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God.


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Man Of God
Man Of God
Redemption Of Man By God

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
