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lymph node相关的网络例句

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与 lymph node 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

MethodsRadioactive colloid and blue dye were injected intradermally around the tumor seperately before the operation and the SLN were detected first by lymph scintigraphy. SLN was detected and located using γ-finder and the blue dye.

方法术前于肿瘤周围皮内分别注射放射性胶体和蓝色染料两种前哨淋巴结示踪剂,术前先行淋巴闪烁扫描,术中应用γ计数探测仪检测,并结合淋巴结蓝染情况定位SLN,切除SLN后再行腋窝淋巴结清扫(axillary lymph node dissection,ALND),两标本均行组织学检查。

The average number of anterior lymph nodes was 3.83±1.79. Their blood supply originated from the branches of lateral thoracic artery, whose mean diameter and length were 1.04±0.42 and 29.5±12.25 respectively.(3) The average number of posterior lymph node was 2.38±0.97. Their blood supply originated from the lymph node branch of subscapular artery, whose length and mean diameter were respectively 18.78±8.67 and 0.78±0.32.(4) The average number of central lymph nodes was 4.05±1.95. Their blood supply originated from axillary artery whose mean diameter was less than 1mm.(5) The average number of apical lymph nodes was 2.82±1.96. Their blood supply originated from the branches of thoracoacromial artery whose mean diameter was 0.79±0.29mm and length was 10.60±4.13mm.

结果 外侧群淋巴结数量为(3.16±1.72)个,血供属多源性且不恒定;前群淋巴结数量为(3.83±1.79)个,营养血管主要为胸外侧动脉的分支,其外径(1.04±0.42)mm,干长(29.5±12.25)mm;后群淋巴结数量为(2.38±0.97)个,血管来源于肩胛下动脉的淋巴结支,其外径为(0.78±0.32)mm,干长(18.78±8.67)mm;中央群淋巴结数量为(4.05±1.95)个,血管来源于腋动脉的分支,其外径均在1mm以下,干长20mm以上;尖群淋巴结数量为(2.82±1.96)个,营养血管为胸肩峰动脉的分支,外径为(0.79±0.29)mm,干长(10.60±4.13)mm。

A chosen vessel 上帝所选的人 the weaker vessel 较弱的人(指女性 lymph node Any of the small, oval or round bodies, located along the lymphatic vessels, that supply lymphocytes to the bloodstream and remove bacteria and foreign particles from the lymph.

淋巴结任一种长于淋巴管内的小的、呈椭圆或圆形的组织,它为血液输送淋巴细胞并清除淋巴液中的细菌和外部成分Also called: lymph gland filter n。滤纸,过滤器,滤波器 vt。

Results 12 cases as abdominal hernia (of which indirect hernia 9 cases, direct hernia 2 cases, femorocele 1 case), ultrasonography shows middle-high echo or linkage heterogeniety echo clumps; 8 cases as hydrocele, Ultrasonogram shows anechoic; 2 cases as cryptorchidism, ultrasonography shows normal testicular middle-echo; 4 cases as lymph node mass (of which lymphoma 2 cases, lymph node metastasis 1 case, lymph node inflammatory change 1 case), acoustic image shows low weak echo; 4 cases as substance mass (of which fibroma 1 case, spermatic cord tumor 1 case, Desmoid tumor 1 case, spermatic cord inflammation 1 case), Ultrasonography shows non-uniformity middle-highor low echo.

结果 12例为腹外疝(其中斜疝9例、直疝2例、股疝1例),声像图表现为中高回声或混杂性回声团块;8例为鞘膜积液,声像图表现为无回声;2例为隐睾,声像图表现为似正常睾丸样中等回声;4例为淋巴结包块(其中淋巴瘤2例、淋巴结转移1例、淋巴结炎性改变1例),声像图表现为低弱回声;4例为实质性包块(其中纤维瘤1例、精索肿瘤1例、韧带样瘤1例、精索炎症1例),声像图表现为非均匀性中高回声或低回声。

Results 107 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion excision, 43 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;306 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion and majority opposite side excision,163 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;and both side of thyroid was removed with half lymph node dissection in 46 patients; 1, 3 and 5 years surviving rate of thyroid carcinoma after operation were 99.0%, 96.5% and 92.6%.

结果 单侧腺叶,峡部切除64例;单侧腺叶,峡部加同侧颈淋巴结清除术43例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切143例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切加同侧颈淋巴结清除术163例;双侧甲状腺全切术加一侧颈淋巴结清扫术46例;局部姑息性切除术28例。

He type of TGF β1 expression was related with lymph node metastasis and prognosis of patients. The positivity rate of TGF β1 expression only in mesenchyma in the group on lymph node metastasis was significantly lower than that in no lymph node metastasis, but the positivity rate of TGF β1 expression only in cytoplasma was higher. The prognosis of TGF β1 expression only in mesenchyma was better, but the prognosis of TGF β1 expression only in cytoplasma or both mesenchyma and cytoplasma was poor.

GF β1的阳性表达类型与肺癌的淋巴结转移及预后有关,淋巴结转移阳性组TGF β1的单一间质阳性表达率显著低于淋巴结阴性组,而单一胞浆阳性表达率高于淋巴结阴性组;半年内死亡组的TGF β1单一间质阳性表达率低于5年以上生存组,而间质胞浆均阳性的表达率及单一胞浆阳性表达率则高于5年以上生存组(P均<0.05)。

Methods After routine Whipple procedure,the standardized regional clearance of mesenteric root lymph node,lymph node beside the abdominal aorta,intrahepatic and intra-duodenal ligamentous lymph node,parahepatic arterial lymph node and paraceliac arterial lymph node was performed. Results A total of 11 patients were enrolled in this study.

在常规Whipple基础上,进行规范化区域淋巴结清扫,重点清除肠系膜根部淋巴结(14 abcd)、腹主动脉旁淋巴结(16 a2b1)、以及肝十二指肠韧带内淋巴结(12 abpch)、肝动脉旁(8组)、腹腔动脉旁(9组)淋巴结。

Tuberculous lesions were identified in 27 cattle (47.4%; n = 57) with the evidence on gross and/or microscopic examination in 1 or more sites. The most frequently affected site was retropharyngeal lymph node, followed by mediastinal lymph node, hilar lymph node, and mesenteric lymph node.

结果显示,所收集的结核菌素检测阳性牛中,有 27 头(47.4%; n = 57)在肉眼或/及显微检查下发现有结核样病灶,其中最常出现病变的位置为咽背淋巴结,其次依序为纵膈淋巴结、肺门淋巴结和肠系膜淋巴结。

One of the remarkable features of the malignant tumor in head and neck is its frequent occurence of cervical lym- ph node metastasis, even when no lymph node can be palpated.

头颈部恶性肿瘤的显著特征之一是其常常发生颈淋巴结转移,甚至在颈部触诊没有触及肿大的淋巴结时(即隐匿性颈淋巴结转移,Occult cervical lymph node metastasis)。

Patients developed head cervical lymph node swelling. The lymph node biopsy revealed a background of reactive lymphadenopathy and necrosis in some cases and apoptosis, nuclear debris in all cases, loss of lymph node structure, proliferation of lymphocytes and various types histiocytes with phagocytosis, no infiltration of neutrophils. Three histological types: proliferative, necrotizing and xanthomatous were classified.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?