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与 literate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of the internet, we can read books and newspapers without going to the bookstore and library (if you want to maintain a status of literate). Besides, we can do shopping without going to the market place, can meet friends, see prospective partners, and get married without going to see the real person (chatting on QQ, loving on line, having factious marriage on internet), and so on. Finally, we do not only care for meeting each other, we also don't care for calling or even sending short messages to others. Our life then lost the so called "communication function" or "communication necessity" by the functional linguisticians.


The proliferation of ideas, the speed of manufacture and an increasingly visually literate consumer have all resulted in interiors being subject to the same desire for innovation, change and fashionability as fashion.


TITe is go to be a lecture, titled "Across Cultures: Digital Media and Literate Activity", in the meeting room of the English Department from

通知 7月11日周一上午9点至11点将在英语系会议室举办一场题为"跨越文学:数码CCTV和文学聚会"的讲解座谈会。

Based on"the examination and approval movement for selecting characters and pronunciationsof national region names", the paper discusses the essence , content and characteristics of literate standard of toponym and then illustrates its six principles , including theorization , distinguishability , consistence , normalization , concision and habitualness.


Classical works of ancient heathendom had been written. The German literate reversed this process with the


Wells, who was attacked by Lewis for a narrow and unfeeling "humanism", feared this, and he did indeed believe that the world would be better off if governed by a technocracy of trained, literate and numerate experts rather than by a hereditary ruling class or by demagogues elected through manipulation of an uninformed democracy.


By the end of Infant school, everyone would be literate - or else the teachers would be concerned about your "literacy problem" and recommend you for remedial reading classes.


The style of writing here is collection of literate musings and digressions which I rather liked but, judging by Amazon reviews, it appears to irk some readers.


Literate rocker Richard Thompson's new album, Sweet Warrior, is a return to his classic electric sound, his first plugged-in album since 2003's The Old Kit Bag.

音乐诗人 Richard Thompson 的发布新砖 Sweet Warrior。在这张专辑中,我们再次感受到他那经典的饱含电力的嗓音。

In order to do this, Boas relied heavily on the collaboration of literate native ethnographers (among the Kwakiutl, most often


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
