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与 latent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By studying latent moral education carrier construction, it can be advantageous to the worker of moral education to improve self-conscious usage of latent moral education carrier, can right use and develop latent moral education carriers aggressive factor and make the work of colleges and universities moral education well , carry out moral education from the infusion type to leading type change and preachment type to permeate change, stir up the student to accept educational can motility, activity and creativity, let student with equal mindset amusedly choice to accept various right information, and active change into own thought and act of demand, improve the prescription of moral education, grasp the active power of the work under the new situation.


The results showed that: 1 reinders' redox buffers were used to study the redox properties not only for latent image centers but also for sensitivity centers; 2 The redox potential of Ag2S sensitivity centers was less negative than -220 mV with respect to the saturated calomel electrode in our experiment and the redox potential of latent image centers was between -220 mV and -190 mV; 3 The redox activities of latent image centers were much higher than that of sensitivity centers.

实验结果表明:1Reinders的氧化还原缓冲液的方法,不仅可用于研究潜影中心,也可用于研究敏化中心;2本实验条件下的硫化银敏化中心的氧化还原电位约略负于-220 mV,潜影中心的氧化还原电位值是介于-220 mV与-190 mV之间;3潜影中心的氧化还原活性较敏化中心大得多。

Thereare two contributions in this paper. First, by regarding every base clustering as one attribute of the original data, it has found that the algorithm based on that is more extendable and flexible. Second, it designs a latent variable cluster ensemble model in this way and infers the algorithm of the model with Markov chain Monte Carlo approximation.

主要工作包括:第一,分析了把每一个基聚类器看成是原数据的一个属性这种处理方式的优越性,发现按此方法建立起来的聚类集成算法就具有良好的扩展性和灵活性;第二,在此基础之上,建立了latent variable cluster ensemble概率模型进行聚类集成,并且给出了LVCE 模型的Markovchain Monte Carlo算法。

The mechanism was similar to the equivalent barotropic warm core structure. The Conditional Instability of the Second Kind was the primary mechanism of development and maintenance for MCSs in case 2005. As the MCSs intensified and persisted, the latent heating was highly efficient in producing significant enhancement of Mei-Yu front systems. The LLJ intensified by Coriolis acceleration of ageostrophic wind was induced by the effect of latent heat release. The LLJ and the effect of latent heat released reinforce each other in convection system through a positive feedback process.

综合而言,2005年个案中梅雨锋面结构为垂直近乎不倾斜的浅系统,槽线系统不明显,锋面水平温度梯度微弱,低层具有强水平气旋式风切,较似正压系统,个案中MCS发展及维持机制,主要是透过CISK 过程来维持;其过程是由於低层锋面带上之辐合激发对流发展,对流潜热释放造成局部气压梯度增强,因而增强地转风;而潜热释放亦有利低层辐合之增强,产生非地转风,再透过科氏加速增强西南风,使LLJ增强,形成一正向的回馈作用。

Based on the generating mechod of topics in Latent Dirichlet Allocation, the topic distribution of each document is estimated.

TDRM模型借助Latent Dirichlet Allocation的主题生成方法估计每个文档的主题分布。

In view of describing latent variables influence which are faced to the model of relationship between customer satisfaction degree and its influence factors, integrating the respective characteristic of partial least squares method and the structure equation model, this paper proposed the question that the structure equation model application in service industry which is based on PLS method; take the system thinking as the instruction, construct the model of customer satisfaction in the technical project service industry which take the customer satisfaction degree as endogenous latent variables, and take the customer expected, the sensation quality and the sensation value as exogenous latent variable.


Results Wenshen Kechuan Tablets could significantly prolong the cough latent period and cough times within 3 min and increase phenol red secretion from trachea in cough model induced by ammonia water. Wenshen Kechuan Tablets could significantly prolong the asthma latent period and relieve spasm in guinea pigs with histamine-acetylcholine-induced asthma, prolong spasm latent period and reduce shock attack and lung overfall volume in guinea pigs with ovalbumin-induced asthma.

结果 温肾咳喘片可显著延长氨水致咳小鼠的引咳潜伏期、减少3 min内的咳嗽次数,增加小鼠气管段酚红排泌量,明显延长组胺-乙酰胆碱致敏豚鼠的引喘潜伏期、减少抽搐动物数,延长卵白蛋白致喘豚鼠抽搐潜伏期和减少跌倒休克豚鼠数,减少卵白蛋白致敏麻醉大鼠的肺溢流量。

In Wistar rats, latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 1-week transplantation was shorten (P.05); and latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 2-week transplantation was prolonged (P.05); while latent period of b-wave in scotopic maximum response after 1-week transplantation was shorten (P.05). In RCS rats, amplitude of a-wave in scotopic rod response and photopic response after 4-week transplantation was increased (PO.05); while latent period of a-wave in scotopic rod response after 4-week transplantation was shorten (PO.05).Conclusion 1. At the age of 3 months, photoreceptors of the RCS rat degenerated completely, which leaded to the reduction of amplitudes of a-wave and b-wave.


Latent ease show as to crooking Song latent ease culture the inherit and developments of thoughts, and at latent ideas formal to take shape promptly at first by culture in Han dynasty, It is the greatest contribution of latent ease of this period.


This experiment try to investigate the expressions of Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 1(LMP-1),nuclear factor κ gene bindingand the apoptotic index in nasal NK/T cell lymphoma,and probe into the correlation of LMP-1 with NF-κB,AI,analyze their roles in the occurrence and development of nasal NK/T cell lymphomaMethods:From 1999 to 2004 ,26 cases of nasal NK/T cell lymphoma and 10 cases of benign lymph follicle hyperplasia were selected from Department of Pathology in Hospital of Shangdong province .

目的:EB病毒Epstein-Barr virus在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤(nasal NK/T cell lymphoma)的瘤细胞的检出率较高,但其在淋巴瘤发生发展中的确切作用尚不清楚,本研究通过检测鼻腔NK/T细胞淋巴瘤中EB病毒感染潜伏膜蛋白(latent membrane protein-1,LMP-1)与细胞因子κB(nuclear factor κ gene binding,NF-κB)的表达及其细胞凋亡指数(apoptotic index,AI),比较三者间相互关系,分析EB病毒在鼻NK/T细胞淋巴瘤发生发展中的致瘤机制。

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