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与 intensified 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In many cases, the effects of one depressant are intensified if another depressant is taken at the same .


PepsiCo intensified its social-media efforts last November after employees saw critical Twitter posts about an ad in a German trade magazine for a diet cola, which depicted a calorie killing itself.


A kind of discomposure intensified your thirst and frustrated your emotion.


Early start for the tunnel, decoration and equipment installation work plan in early March to open the tunnel structure; Dalian Road Tunnel builders are being intensified Eastern wells internal structure of the construction work, and Jiang contact corridors drilling works to ensure completion of the opening on October 1 this year; and extremely rare in the world of the double-barrel double-Hing Road Tunnel builders are conflicting for the Northern Line on February 8 out of its hole for active preparations, the project will be completed by the end of 2004 all opened.


The trend toward historical eclecticism intensified in the decades following the Civil War.


Eilat District Police has intensified its security presence in the city and is carrying out an investigation.


Option-expensing is scheduled to become mandatory on June 15th. You can therefore expect intensified efforts to stall or emasculate this rule between now and then. Let your Congressman and Senators know what you think on this issue.

选择权费用化将在今年 6 月 15 日起强制实行,大家可以预期此后将不断有人企图阻止或是废除相关规定,去之而后快,务必让你选区的议员知道你对于这项议题的立场。

Option-expensing is scheduled to become mandatory on June 15th. You can therefore expect intensified efforts to stall or emasculate this rule between now and then.


CURREY''s Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors: A Bibliography of First Printings of their Fiction (1979), a genuine first-edition bibliography which covered about 200 of the principal genre writers and intensified Reginald''s coverage; and George LOCKE''s remarkably accurate A Spectrum of Fantasy: The Bibliography and Biography of a Collection of Fantastic Literature (1980), which suggested en passant several titles that plausibly supplemented the Reginald Checklist; A Spectrum of Fantasy: Volume 2: Acquisitions to a Collection of Fantastic Literature, 1980-1993 (1994) continues the invaluable enterprise.


In conclusion, our results demonstrated that intratumoral electroporation-mediated IL-6 and IL-15 gene therapy for canine transmissible venereal tumor in the canine model efficiently tumor escape mechanism and also intensified the host immune responses.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
