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与 instances 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods A restropective analysis was made of the data of 11 instances undrgoing epigastrium operation review quality analysisResults FDGE usually occured druing 4~10 days postoperatively.11 instances can be cured by nonsurgical;The diagnosis means is main depenies on the gastroscope and gastrointestinal radiography;The rear 9 instances (82%) who received nonoperative therapy restored in fifth weeks postoperatively.2 cases (18%) who recovered afterwards starts the a sick person in half a year.

对1996—2002年临床诊治11例施行上腹部手术后发生术后胃瘫病人进行回顾性分析。结果功能性胃排空障碍发生在术后4~10 d.11例均经非手术治疗痊愈;经非手术治疗后9例(82%)胃肠动力在术后4周内恢复,2例(18%)在手术半年后恢复。

The limit on the number of instances has been around for awhile now. We feel this was needed to preserve the game play for those already in the instances as it would eventually deteriorate when too many instances were up.


This paper analyze and study the influence of the superimposition in depth based on the previous achievements and combined with the theoretical qualitative analysis and project instances. The main contents as follow:Chapter 1: Indicate the significance and objective of this paper, review the previous achievements of the transient process and superimposition, and then present the study purpose of this paper.Chapter 2: combined with the physic knowledge of the fluctuation and the superimposition, Indicate the physical essences and the influence of the superimposition phenomena that exist in the diversion pipe system, and take one hydraulic turbine owning only one diversion tunnel and two hydraulic turbines sharing one tailrace conduit for instance to study out the numerical calculation superimpose operations.Chapter 3: From the calculation theory of the parameter of the guaranty calculation of regulation of the hydro-turbine, qualitative analyze the influence of the superimposition on them and the superpose time, combined with some project instances, get the numerical value of the influence of the superimposition and the superpose time.Chapter 4: Based on the previous achievements of the calculation and theoretical analysis of the surge-chamber ground swell, analyze the influence of the superimposition on it and the superpose time.


Base the embodiment of modern physics and correlative technology, intersectional subjects in high school physics curriculum among the every science curriculum reform home and abroad, especially, the instances that typical high school physics textbook bring modern physics in it, analyse the correlative instances studied before.


1 It makes no sense to be in favor of some instances of abortion but opposed to all instances of mercy killing euthanasia.


To effectively reconfigure General Bill of Material, reconfiguration process of GBOM based on data-mining was proposed. BOM instances were represented by the weighted unordered tree graph generally, and the algorithm of similarity measurement between two similar BOM instances were presented based on the minimum weighted symmetric difference. In terms of the results of the similarity measurement, all the typical BOM instances were clustered based on the k-Means clustering method.


There- fore, it is imaginably difficult to produce a global attribute schema for all the web entities of a given entity type based on their web instances, although the global attribute schema is usually highly desired in web entity instances integra- tion and web object extraction.

目前, 前,这是imaginably难以产生一个全球性的属性架构的所有Web实体某个实体型基础他们的网络情况下,虽然全球属性架构通常是非常理想的情况下在网络实体整合化和Web对象提取。

These are the only instances, to date, of lions accosting white rhinoceri in the Kruger Park, but instances have been cited by observers such as Wahlberg and Taberer of lions attacking and killing full-grown black rhinos in East Africa.

这是到现在为止克鲁格公园里仅有的狮子和白犀牛冲突的例子,但是例如Wahlberg 和 Taberer 都曾在东非目睹狮子攻击杀死成年黑犀牛。顶楼的那个例子的比较完全版

These are the only instances, to date, of lions accosting white rhinoceri in the Kruger Park, but instances have been cited by observers such as Wahlberg and Taberer of lions attacking and killing full-grown black rhinos in East Africa.

这是到现在为止克鲁格公园里仅有的狮子和白犀牛冲突的例子,但是例如Wahlberg 和 Taberer 都曾在东非目睹狮子攻击杀死成年黑犀牛。

This paper also gives fuzzy Candidate-elimination algorithm to extract rales using both positive and negative instances. In the concept space constructed by features, we find a good description that can cover positive instances and exclude negative instances.


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For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
