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Using CB-HRP antidromic tracing technique, the distributions of MNs innervating the muscles of three-Yang and three-Yin meridian of hand in spinal anterior horn were investigated and the dendritic progections between the MNs of homo-meridian were observed.


This finding suggests one possible nervous pathway between auricular concha and the sympathetic ganglia innervating viscera, through which visceral disease may be treated with auricular acupuncture.


By retrograde tracing with CT-HRP,the localization of the sympathetic efferent neurons innervating pancreas of chicken was studied.


ABSTRACT The present study was performed to explore the effect of endogenous nitric oxide on synaptic transmission between neurons located in Forel′s field H and vertical oculomotoneurons innervating the inferior oblique muscle in cats.

本研究探讨内源性一氧化氮对猫中脑。间脑结合部Forel′s field H区神经元与下斜肌(inferior oblique, IO)眼球运动神经元(oculomotoneurons, OMNs)之间兴奋性突触传递的影响。

The sensory nerve innervating the kidney originates from bilateral T5~L3 spinal ganglia and ipsilateral nodose ganglion of dog.


In addition, the nature of the effects of 5-HT receptor on the innervating striated muscle of the pelvic floor is controversial.


Barrington's nucleus that located in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum is an important site for controlling voiding in the mammalian brain and is often referred to as pontine micturition center. Barrington's nucleus sends direct projection fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating detrusor muscles of the bladder are distributed. Electron or chemical stimulation of Barrington's nucleus clicits bladder contraction and increases discharges of bladder postganglionic nerve. Conversely, lesion of the nucleus results in a permanent inability to empty the bladder. On the other hand, an area located just ventral to Barrington's nucleu has been reported to send projection fibers to the ventrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus in the caudal lumbar cord segments; the vetrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus is mainly composed of pudendal motor neurons innervating the external urethral sphincter muscle.


Methods: Cadaveric dissections of 14 female specimens were undertaken to investigate nerves innervating urethra sphincter. Results: Continence nerves of female urethra contained branches of inferior hypogastric plexus, intrapelvic and extrapelvic branches of pudendal nerve.


At 7 and 14 days following transection of masseteric nerve through which Fluorogold was applied to identify the Me5 neurons innervating masseter, brain sections were immunohistochemically processed to detect the three Trk isoforms in FG-labeled Me5 neurons.

通过大鼠咬肌神经给予荧光金,标记支配咬肌的Me5神经元;分别于切断咬肌神经后7和14 d对脑切片进行免疫组织化学染色并观察荧光金标记的Me5神经元表达的三种Trk受体。

There is a characteristic principle during the development of the NOS positive cells in pterygopalatine , otic ganglion and the fibers innervating the cerebral vessels of rats.


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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?