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与 individual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, among the Ashanti of Ghana, an individual's blood is said to be derived from the goddess of the earth through that individual's mother, an individual's destiny from the high - god, and personality and temperament from the tutelary deity of the individual's father.


OBJECTIVE To design and develop a clinical pharmacokinetics and individual drug dosage regimens system CPKDP program for estimating individual pharmacokinetic parameters and optimizing individualizing dosage regimens using routine clinical data of plasma levels. METHODS According to the principle of population pharmacokinetics and Bayes" formula, CPKDP program was written with FOXPRO 2.6 and BORLAND C++ 3.1, and was run on 486 microcomputer with UCDOS 5.0. RESULTS CPKDP program was adapted for drugs with different characteristics of pharmacokinetics, and for single dose or multiple dose administration. Using 1 or 2 measured drug concentrations, individual patient"s pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated based on population-average pharm-acokinetic parameters. CONCLUSION CPKDP program is applied for estimating pharmacokinetic parameters and optimizing drug therapy in individual patients.

目的为利用临床常规监测的血药浓度数据估算病人的个体药动学参数,优化给药方案,设计、研制了临床药动学给药个体化系统CPKDP程序方法依据群体药动学原理及Bayes公式,CPKDP程序用FOXPRO 2.6和BORLAND C++ 3.1开发,在希望汉字系统UCDOS 5.0平台上运行结果CPKDP程序适用于具有不同药动学特征的多种药物,适用于不同给药途径的单剂量或多剂量给药在群体药动学参数的基础上,结合病人个体特征,以1,2个血药浓度作为反馈,即可拟合估算个体药动学参数,优化给药方案结论经初步应用,CPKDP程序是应用Bayes反馈法开展临床个体化给药工作非常实用的工具

The important point for our purposes is that we can perhaps see why an epistemologist might hold that, while it is possible for someone to adopt a disengaged position when attributing to herself an individual belief, it is not possible for her to do so when attributing to herself (or considering for skeptical consideration) most or all of her beliefs.

对我们的目的来说重点是我们能够明白为什么认识论学者可以持有:对某人归给自己一个individual信念时使用a disengaged position是可能的,而当她归给自己大多数或所有信念时这样做是不可能的。

Individual handicraftsman had power of management freely in the warring States Period, the range that manages the products was some daily usage mainly, and they exchanged for the agricultural product with the industrial products so that they could keep their livelihood, though their social status was not high.

论文关键词战国/家族/平民手工业者 the Warring States Period/family/individual handicraftsman,论文来源求是学刊,论文单位哈尔滨,点击次数 20,论文页数 115~120页2003年2003月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_41064181/战国时期平民手工业者的社会地位不高,有一定自主经营权,经营产品的范围主要是一些日常生活用品,他们以手工业产品换取农产品来维持生计。

Another way to describe other events which are not team sports is individual sports / individual sports.

描述不是团体项目的方法是 individual sports /个人项目。

Key Words: Kant's frame of transcendental philosophy, the translational artistry, ideal, criteria, diachronical dimension, synchronical dimension, the theory of social individual's growing-up

这里所谓的"个体生成论"(the social individual growing-up theory),是本人在以往研究中西方哲学、美学理论,现象学社会学等诸方面的基础上形成的一个基本思路;它具有下列要点

Enterprises must innovate the marketing tactics and marketing way in order to meet knowledge type customer"s demands, Knowledge marketing has offered solved tools as innovative mode of marketing those enterprises in era of knowledge-driven economy, in the marketing system of knowledge, traditional 4Ps marketing association tactics also have been given the new meaning, formed the 4Is marketing association tactics (such as Individual product and service, Price Indenture, The Platform Bases onInternet, Knowledge Intercourse)that have already been realized and proved in practice, Except the innovation of marketing association, the way of knowledge marketing is innovating constantly too, Learning Marketing and Experience Marketing is two ways among them, They direct against three kinds of rare resources on the knowledged customer to design concrete marketing method, tool in order to obtain the knowledged customer"s attention and trust separately, Learning Marketing attracts the attention of the knowledged customer according to the knowledge learning and exchanging of enterprises" marketing employee, management employee and the whole society. Experience Marketing let knowledged customer participate in the course of the products or the service according to consumption experiencing, a kind of special marketing mode. Not only met the characteristic that the knowledged customer is fond of participation but also obtained the knowledge type customer"s trust.This article includes five chapters:Chapter one preface introduces such questions as writing background, original intention of the selected title and thinking frame in the writing course of this article and expounds the reason emphatically that how to choose knowledged customer to summarize the new customer group. Study is a way to obtain knowledge; knowledge is an achievement of study also includes the customer"s self- innovation, meanwhile, proves to the small difference between the customer and customer.Chapter two put forward the knowledged customer"s concept, defines the knowledge customer"s definition and analyze its intension and epitaxy, also discusses rare resources on the knowledged customer. This article defines the knowledged customer as those groups and individuals that utilize knowledge to guide one"s own consumption practice and constant study and carry on the knowledge innovation constantly, they have completely new traits different from the old customer, time

企业必须对营销策略和营销方式进行创新以满足知识型顾客的需求,知识营销作为知识经济时代企业的一种营销创新模式为我们提供了一个解决工具,在知识营销体系中,传统的4Ps营销组合也被赋予了新的意义,形成了4Is营销组合(即个性化的产品和服务Individual product and service、基于协商下的价格约定Price Indenture、基于网络的信息技术平台The Platform Bases on Internet、知识的交流Knowledge Intercourse),4Is营销组合已被越来越多的企业意识到并在企业的营销实践中得到了验证;除了营销组合的创新,知识营销的营销方式也在不断地创新,学习营销和体验营销便是其中两种方式,它们针对知识型顾客身上的三种稀缺性资源设计具体的营销方法、工具分别用以获取知识型顾客的注意力和信任度,其中学习营销通过企业内部营销人员、管理人员和企业外部全社会的知识学习、交流来吸引知识型顾客的注意;体验营销则通过消费体验这种特殊的方式让知识型顾客参与到产品或服务的过程

Discover in Ping Yuanxin Su Tieye of lake of celestial being of 10 individual plant gives birth to plant; Bai Leshu to be in those who join an administrative division to plant among them group of amounts amount to 160 individual plant, give priority to; to be in with seedling benevolence change fine-toothed comb 3 pointed fir amount to; of 300 individual plant to make the same score Yuan Banfeng carry on one's shoulder to Ren Douxin of; of 100 individual plant sees Yu Qingxin is mixed only then promote, peace of; of above of 1000 individual plant, river source and broadleaf plant mountain discover the amount Su Tie brake is planted group, aggregate; of hundreds individual plant only then allow new discovery tree of silver-colored magpie of 57 individual plant.


Through analysis and discussion in the following chapters, four strategies are summarized for teachers' further reference.(1) The individualized physical education program-Through the plan with similar to IEP, teachers arrange physical activities properly for children with mental retardation.(2) Cognitive behavior modification-Through demonstration and guidance, students are able to change behaviors by modeling and correcting their cognitive patterns.(3) Task analysis approach-Teachers have to divide a particular movement skill into several individual sub-skills and then students would be able to master that specific skill by linking every well-practiced sub-skill.(4) Data processing mode-Students are motivated to learn with fun because the target skill has been analyzed into meaningful and organized procedures.

经过分析与探讨,本文提供四大体育教学策略供从事体育教学之教师参考:一、个别化体育计划——透过类似个别化教育计划(Individual Education Program, IEP)的计划,让教师先对智能障碍学童的需求与体育活动作适当的安排;二、认知行为改变技术——教师以示范、引导的方式,使智能障碍学童经由模仿,修正认知,让行为得以改变;三、工作分析法——教师先将动作技能分解成数个分项,智能障碍学童经充份练习每一分项,最后再将每个细部动作串联;四、讯息处理模式——透过教师引发学习动机,并将动作以有意义化与组织化的学习方式,让智能障碍学童从乐趣中学得动作技能。

She was determined to dogood, not to any individual person but to a country.


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Another Naive Individual Glorifying Greed & Ecouraging Racism

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
