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与 inability 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Symptoms of cerebellar abiotrophy include ataxia or lack of balance, an awkward wide-legged stance, a head tremor (in dogs, body tremors also occur), hyperreactivity, lack of menace reflex, stiff or high-stepping gait, coarse or jerky head bob when in motion (or in very young animals, when attempting to nurse), apparent lack of awareness of where the feet are (sometimes standing or trying to walk with a foot knuckled over), poor depth perception, and a general inability to determine space and distance.


There were no major complications and no procedure was aborted because of an inability to remove the tumor.


Its mach inability and abrasiveness are better than SKD11,so you can save your cost and increase efficiency after you use it.

切削性和研磨性优于 SKD11,可以增加加工效率,节约成本。

It's called abulia,the inability to make a decision or exercise will.


Suffering from abulia; showing abnormal inability to act or make decisions.


It's shortcoming is in the adherent's inability to use TI techniques to greatly improve speed.


TI's shortcoming is in the adherent's inability to use TI techniques to greatly improve speed.


He has only one weakness and that is inability to attack air units.


It is characterized by an inability to sleep and/or inability to remain asleep for a reasonable period.


Are immediate major excommunication, the incapacity for all and singular legal acts of any kind, being branded as infamous, and the penalties expressed in the law of treason; in addition for the aforesaid ecclesiastical and religious persons, the loss of all patriarchal, metropolitan and other cathedral churches, of all monasteries, priories and convents, and of all secular dignities and ecclesiastical benefices, as well as the inability to hold them in the future; and in addition for secular persons, the loss of any fiefs held for any reason from the Roman or some other church, and the inability to hold them in the future.

主要是立即逐出教会,没有能力对所有与奇异法律行为的任何一种,被命名为臭名昭著的,并表示处罚法的叛逆罪;除了为上述教会和宗教人士,丧失所有重男轻女,城市和其他大教堂教堂,所有寺院,修道院和修道院和所有世俗的尊严和教会benefices ,以及无法追究他们的未来;除了对世俗的人,丧失了任何封地以任何理由从罗马或其他一些教堂,并且不能追究他们的未来。

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But in the course of internationalization, they meet with misunderstanding and puzzlement.


Inorder toaccomplish this goal as quickly as possible, we'll beteamingup with anexperienced group of modelers, skinners, and animatorswhosenames willbe announced in the coming weeks.


They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee?

7:52 他们回答他说,难道你也是出于加利利么?