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immune to...相关的网络例句

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与 immune to... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to the above mentioned reasons, it is therefore assumed that firm resources and capabilities can, in principle, 'contribute to competitive advantage, and can be immune to the factor market threats of imitation, substitution, dissipation, and appropriation' Collis, 1994, p.


After several months with the same alarm clock, you'll start to become immune to its sound, and you'll begin to incorporate the droning beeps into your dreams, so that it's easier to ignore.


Another useful upgrade is Adaptive Armor and this is a great upgrade to purchase because it increases the titans armor for a short amount of time and allows it to be immune to EMP from units like the GDI Grenadier and Nod Awakened cyborg.


Results showed that the rootstocks RSB, Gravesac, 520A and 225R were immune to phylloxera infestation. Fercal, 1613C and the HPDs was resistant to phylloxera to some extent, whose tuberosities % were less than 27%. The Both Henan wild grapes and V. adenocluda were highly sensitive to phylloxera,whose tuberosities were 66.25% and 56.67% and phylloxera produced 181.67 and 277.67 eggs on each of them; V.guangxi-quinquangularis had low resistance, whose tuberosities were 15.45%, its hybrid with a V.vinifera variety NW196 was sensible to phylloxera, whose tuberosities and egg number phylloxera produced were 46.13% and 55.28% higher than V. guangxi-quinquangularis.


Even if you know you have had the rubella vaccination, your body may not have made enough antibodies to make you immune to the virus, so it is best to check.


He's immune to small arms fire, and can be upgraded with a venom cannon (which seems to absolutely ravage enemy armour at truly bizarre speeds), thornback (gives him a charge and a melee boost - seems to be the most expensive by far) and somethingelse which I can't remember at the moment.


Though the nerubians were immune to his plague, Ner'zhul's growing necromantic powers allowed him to raise the spider-warriors' corpses and bend them to his will.


Benefit: Devoted to the destruction of the undead, you gain 2 additional turning and remove disease attempts per rest,+1 to your level when turning, a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects produced by undead, and all attacks you make have a chance of destroying undead instantly on what would be a Vorpal strike. Natural 20 followed by confirmation, Will DC: 30 partial, deals Light damage to targets immune to instant destruction effects* or those that save.


No mortal beings could be immune to mistakes. Therefore, it is very important to establish mutual understanding and trust between us. If either of us goes to the extremes of finding the other's negative sides and formalizes them in inappropriate remarks, there is simply no way for us to cooperate in working out the problem.


I'm only slightly ashamed to admit that I found myself hoping that the strike would shut the Academy Awards down; that for once, in a year of such cinematic bounty and variety, appreciation for the best movies could be liberated from the pomp and tedium of Hollywood spectacle. It's not that I'm against the spectacle as such. I'm hardly immune to the tears, and political speeches, or low-cut dresses. I even hum along with the overproduced, underwhelming renditions of the nominated songs. And I genuinely love the film industry's earnest tributes to its past: the lifetime achievement awards, the sentimental statuettes bestowed on venerated old-timers, the clips and stills of the recently departed.


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Further more, the simplified analysis method on stressed-skin effect of corrugated steel sheet is also discussed in detail.


If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.


I'll have to take this dress in at the waist - it's too big.
