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Although they are clearly aware that dharmas from time immemorial are ever pure, empty and still, they do not hesitate to seek rebirth in the Pure Land.

虽然他们也清醒地看到, dharmas从远古时代的人,纯粹的,空的,不过,他们毫不迟疑地寻求重生的净土。

The nature of all dharmas is "emptiness," from time immemorial, ever non-arising, equal, serene and still.


The exhibit boards in this hall exhibit a great number of prehistoric living oceanic things in the most seven dreary oceans in the history, including the immemorial rampant megalodons, tanystropheuses, sarcosuchus imperators, and sea crabs.


In his verse the rigging creaks, the white sail fills and crackles, there are blown smells of pine and hemp and tar; you catch the home wind on your cheeks; and old shipmen, their eyeballs white in their bronzed faces, with silver rings and gaudy handkerchiefs, come in and tell you moving stories of the immemorial, incommunicable deep.


In recent years, the immemorial technique of natural ventilation has reacquired recognitions because of appearance of various problems of the applications air conditioning application.


This net-work of cellars has its immemorial population of prowlers, rodents, swarming in greater numbers than ever; from time to time, an aged and veteran rat risks his head at the window of the sewer and surveys the Parisians; but even these vermin grow tame, so satisfied are they with their subterranean palace.


The veritable slang and the slang that is pre-eminently slang, if the two words can be coupled thus, the slang immemorial which was a kingdom, is nothing else, we repeat, than the homely, uneasy, crafty, treacherous, venomous, cruel, equivocal, vile, profound, fatal tongue of wretchedness.


First, it raises the prospect that the immemorial split on nuclear weapons between the old Labour right—embodied by Ernest Bevin, the post-war foreign secretary who was so keen to get a bomb "with the bloody Union Jack on top of it"—and the party's peaceniks, whose policy of unilateral disarmament contributed to Labour's unpopularity in the 1980s, may be revived in opposition.

第一个,它可能会带来工党内部对于核武器问题的分歧,以前工党曾经由战后外交大臣Ernest Bevin正面提出倾向于获得&让该死的英国国旗覆盖着&的原子弹,而他们的单边裁军政策导致了工党在80年代的失去执政的党内的反战分子们可能会反对Ernest Bevin所提出的关于获得原子弹的论调。

From time immemorial, with turmeric root turmeric powder made of orange food has been the main ingredient in curry sauce.


To take one especially spectacular example: A traditional paisley pattern was embroidered on the sleeves of a coat, then it trailed off down the leg of the matching trousers before reappearing on the lapels of a suit and the shoulders of a sweater (which also featured a leopard-print collar). Here's another illustration: Sheeshedar, the mirrored Indian fabric you've seen in markets since time immemorial (or at least since hippies crossed the landmass from Asia to America), was used to make a pair of trousers—and matching shoes. Then it was teamed up with a poncho that could have been sliced from shaggy white yak wool. Just perfect for the backstage area of a Led Zeppelin reunion concert, but curiously incongruous for a McQueen fashion moment. Perhaps that was the problem with this show.

最明显的表现部分就是:古波斯国的传统涡纹花呢被设计师运用细腻精致的刺绣织造手法,展露在外套的袖口、西装长裤的小腿肚、西装外套的翻领、以及毛衣的双肩部份,(还有美洲豹皮纹也被添加在领口处);同时,镜面反射般的立体明暗光泽也被McQueen加强在成套的裤装/鞋款上,那种神秘的异国光泽,年代攸远似乎已不可考,但早期曾在嬉皮年代被一些摇滚乐手从印度辗转传至美洲和英国;不过可惜像是南美风格的白色堥牛毛poncho披风,却被评为,似乎适合Led Zeppelin演唱会后台的歌迷们穿著、而极不搭调在McQueen的fashion how现场。

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Time Immemorial

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
