英语人>网络例句>ice 相关的网络例句
与 ice 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ICE tree has a large graph area in the center where you drag in compounds and nodes and connect them together.


Ice , a spoiled bratty rich kid, who returns to Thailand after his father's death. When he was away in some unidentified foreign country, his father marries Lai.


In this chapter, we present a high-level overview of the Ice architecture. Section 2.2 introduces fundamental concepts and terminology, and outlines how Slice definitions, language mappings, and the Ice run time and protocol work in concert to create clients and servers.

在这一章里,我们将呈现一个 ICE 架构的高层预览。2.2节将介绍一些基础的概念和术语,并概括一下 Slice 是如何定义的,语言是如何映射的,还有 Ice 运行时和协议在创建客户端和服务器时是如何保持一致的。2.3节简要的介绍一下 ICE 提供的对象服务。

The Vessel not to be ordered to nor bound to enter any ice-bound place or place where lights, lightships, marks and bouys are or are likely to be withdrawn by reason of ice on the Vessel's arrival or where there is risk that ordinarily the Vessel will not be able on account of ice to reach the place or to get out after completed loading having or discharging.

冰封 23.Ice 本船不得派往或进入冰封的地点,或本船到达之时,由于冰情,即将撤去或可能撤去灯塔,灯船,航标和浮标的地点,本船也不得派往或进入因冰情,有危险使本船不能顺利到达或在装卸完毕后不能驶出的地点,本船没有破冰航行的义务,但如需要,可尾随破冰船航行。

Berry Ice Cubes : Fill 2 ice-cube trays with fresh berries, halve or quarter berries, if necessary. Add water. Freeze until firm.Make-Ahead Tip:Up to 2 days ahead, prepare the ice cubes.

我们平时知道的冰块主要是用水做成的,文中所提到的ice cubes可是用新鲜的浆果当原料的,用量的多少可以按情况来定。

At present three-dimensional ICE rebuilds the technology has been built, the classics bosom with the tradition is supersonic and enchanted graph and classics esophagus are supersonic and enchanted graph photograph is compared, ICE does not suffer the limitative; that resembles a window not to suffer gas to affect; patient not to need complete hemp, the unwell; that can reduce patient spile reduces tracheal room to operate personnel, reduce personnel radiate; to be based on this consequently, ICE application limits is expanding gradually.


In addition, a metabolic inhibitor, actinomycin D has no effect on enzymatic activities of caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP-32/like proteases during Fas-mediated CD4〓T cell apoptosis. These results indicate that the appearance of caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP32-1ike proteases activities is a post-translational activation of these proteases. It is likely these caspases constituently express in a inactive form in the cytosol of CD4〓T lymphocytes. Once the rest SEB-responsive CD4〓T cells are restimulted, those inactive caspases such as caspase-1/ICE-like and caspase-3/CPP32-1ike proteases are sequentially cleaved to become active forms, and the apoptotic signal is transducted to downstream signaling molecules, Finally leads to CD4〓T cells apoptosis.


The vertical and horizontal postglacial rebound is detected by measuring site velocities and length rates of baselines respectively using data from space geodetic measurement of VLBI. The comparison and correlation analysis between space geodetic results and predictions of postglacial rebound from the geophysical model ICE-4G is shown. And the system error between space geodetic results and ICE-4G predictions is also discussed.


The Internet Communications Engine is an object-oriented middleware platform developed by ZeroC, Inc.. Based on the study of the source code of Ice, this paper analyses the architecture of Ice logical function in a systemic and clear way. It also analyses the implementation principle of each function modular and cracks the key implementation technologies of Ice.


The Vessel not to be ordered to nor bound to enter any ice - bound place or place where lights, lightships, marks and bouys are or are likely to be withdrawn by reason of ice on the Vessel's arrival or where there is risk that ordinarily the Vessel will not be able on account of ice to reach the place or to get out after having completed loading or to get out after having completed loading or discharging.

冰封 23.Ice 本船不得派往或进入冰封的地点,或本船到达之时,由于冰情,即将撤去或可能撤去灯塔,灯船,航标和浮标的地点,本船也不得派往或进入因冰情,有危险使本船不能顺利到达或在装卸完毕后不能驶出的地点,本船没有破冰航行的义务,但如需要,可尾随破冰船航行。

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Break The Ice
Black Ice
Fire & Ice
Pabst Blue Ribbon On Ice
Baby's On Ice
Ice Cream Paint Job (Remix)
Ice Cold
Ice Ice Baby
Under Pressure (Ice Ice Baby)
Ice Ice Baby

For those who choose to go with Scryer, the main perks of aligning your character with them is the added critical strike rating once you gain enough reputation with them.


The secret is not to "think" about the thoughts but to allow them to flow through your mind,while keeping your mind free of afterthoughts.


Location: Ontario, Canada 加拿大的安达略 The coloring doesn\′t matter, as long as it is any shade or grizzle, grey, blue, or merle with or without white or in reverse
