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与 hood 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leroy Hood and David Galas examined all the genes of four people in a family.

Leroy Hood和David Galas 检测了一家4人的所有的基因。

All his showiest roles point to a sense of innate superiority, from the terrorist Hans Gruber in Die Hard and the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood : Prince Of Thieves to the megalomaniacal Rasputin in the film of the same name and the disdainful Professor Severus Snape, scourge of the schoolboy wizard, in the Harry Potter films.

他那些最精彩的角色无不表现出他那种天生的优越,比如 Die Hard 中的 Hans ,或者是 Robin Hood 中的诺丁汉郡长和同名电影中的 Rasputin ,还有哈里波特电影中那个小魔法师们的噩梦,不可一世的 Severus Snape 教授。

In Hood River, Ore., Hal's Tire Service printed $1 bills on scraps of old tires, briefly giving the rubber check a good name.

在俄勒冈州的Hood River,豪尔轮胎服务公司(Hal's Tire Service)在废旧轮胎上印刷面额一美元的代币,暂时给了"橡胶支票"(rubber check,在英文中指"空头支票")一个好名声。

The Townshend Acts were so unpopular in Boston that customs officials requested naval and military assistance. Commodore Samuel Hood complied by sending the fifty-gun warship HMS Romney, which arrived in Boston Harbor in May 1768.[5] On June 10, 1768, customs officials seized the Liberty, a sloop owned by leading Boston merchant John Hancock, on allegations that the ship had been involved in smuggling. Bostonians, already angry because the captain of the Romney had been impressing local sailors, began to riot. Customs officials fled to Castle William for protection.

由於汤森法案在波士顿的抗议声不断,海关官员於是向英国要求增援更多的海军陆军来协助,海军准将Samuel Hood得知消息后,派遣配备50支炮管的HMS Romney军舰前往协助,该军舰并於1768年五月抵达波士顿海港。1768年6月10日,海关以走私罪名逮捕了一艘名为the Liberty的单桅帆船,船长名为John Hancock,一位在波士顿占有重要地位的商人,最后,因为HMS Romney军舰的船长强迫当地水手转来为他自己的军舰工作,使得波士顿人们终於忍无可忍开始暴动,让波士顿的海关人员逃往威廉城堡避难。

Rather than deconstruct our culture's romanticized vision of Dillinger as a handsome populist hero, Mann adds to the gangster's puffed-up Robin Hood image, photographing Depp lovingly at every turn and filling the story with unsubtle nods to the character's altruistic side. It's a missed opportunity.

Mann不去解构我们文化中夸大潇洒的平民英雄Dillinger的观点,而是去加深黑帮分子神气十足的Robin Hood式的形象,在每一个环节都把Depp拍得很可爱,不小心地使故事填充着不细致的错误,这些错误就是描写Dillinger利他主义方面。

We are honorable to invite several world-class dermatopathologists including Professor Antoinette Hood, Professor Evan Farmer, Professor WP Daniel Su, and organize a dermatopathology workshop during this meeting.

此次会议非常荣幸能邀请多位世界知名的皮肤病理学学者莅临,包括 Professor Hood、Professor Farmer、苏文博教授,并於会前举办皮肤病理学的专题研讨会。

But Mr Hood is concerned that, although tax deferrals are a boon for vibrant firms in temporary need of working capital, they may allow ailing companies to continue trading to the detriment of their suppliers and creditors.


In the end, Dr Hood single-handedly convinced his colleagues on the committee that the idea was worth pursuing.


In many countries the producer is only responsible for getting the money together for the director. In the case of Tsotsi I approached the director Gavin Hood to see if he would be interested in adapting the story of Tsotsi. I continued to be involved in the day to day decisions over a range of issues from music to marketing.

在许多国家,制作人仅仅负责给导演筹集足够的资金进行拍摄,然而在Tsotsi拍摄过程中,我会与导演Gavin Hood一起讨论如何更好地改写Tsotsi的情节,让它更完美;此外,在影片音乐、发行等各个环节,我每天都非常地投入与负责。

Even when things slow down for the ballads Fantasia never sounds schlocky, it sounds made for DJs and clubs, which is why the album is at its best when it sticks close to that updated '70s soul feel, as on "Baby Makin' Hips" which doesn't hit as hard as "Hood Boy" but it's equally alluring in its cool reserve.

在&Baby Makin' Hips&这首歌里,虽然没有&hood boy&这样强烈的主打味道,但也以它冷酷的保守而同样吸引人。

第1/75页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
Boyz N Da Hood (Lil' Nigga Pt. 2)
Mr. Hood
L'il Red Riding Hood
Hood Pope
Mii Hood
Hood Bitch
Out The Hood
Robin Hood In Reverse
Return Of Ja Fool Skit - Hood Newz
From My Hood To Your Hood

The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
