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与 high-profile 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of its fast and flexible controllability, the voltage source converter based high voltage direct current will be widely applied in power systems, so it is of practical significance to study the dynamic performance of VSC-HVDC in complicated power grids. The quasi steady state response of flexible HVDC system can be simulated in power system simulation software PSS/E.

柔性直流输电系统(voltage sourced converters high voltage direct current,VSC-HVDC)因其快速灵活的可控性在电力工业中将有越来越广泛的应用,研究其在复杂电力网络中的动态性能具有工程实际意义,应用电力系统仿真软件PSS/E可模拟柔性直流输电的准稳态响应。

RETRIEVE STRATEGY: A computer-based search in High Wire Press was undertaken to identify the articles publish in English between January 1959 and June 2007, with the key words of "boxing, injuries".

检索策略:用计算机检索High Wire Press1959—01/2007—06年期间的相关文章,检索关键词为&Boxing,injuries&,同时在中国期刊全文数据库中检索1995—01/2007—06期间的相关文章,检索词为&拳击,损伤&。

RETRIEVE STRATECY: A computer-based search in High Wire Press was undertaken to identify the articles publish in English between January 1959 and June 2007, with the key words of "boxing, injuries". Meanwhile China Journal Full-texts Database was retrieved for the related articles from January 1995 to June 2007 by using the identical key words in Chinese.

检索策略:用计算机检索High Wire Press 1969-01/2007-06年期间的相关文章,检索关键词为&Boxing, injuries&,同时在中国期刊全文数据库中检索,1995-01/2007-06期间的相关文章,检索词为&拳击,损伤&。

At present, LED shoots the lamp, the LED ball soaks, the LED overall dimension lamp, the LED lamp belt, the LED guard rail lamp, the LED net lamp, LED guards against ° the strip, High Power LED Lamps as well as company's product sale network and so on unmatchable product Flash LED Europe and America, Southeast Asia, South Korea, Africa country or the area and so on has spread each place and sells in distant markets.

目前,LED射灯、LED球泡、LED轮廓灯、LED灯带、LED护栏灯、LED网灯、LED防水灯条、High Power LED Lamps以及公司的拳头产品Flash LED等产品销售网络已遍及全国各地并远销欧美、东南亚、韩国、非洲等国家或地区。

Indeed, more than any other insurer, we write high-limit policies that are tied to single catastrophic events.

实际上,我们为单独一种巨大灾难事件承保远远超过其保险公司的 high-limit 保险金额。

" I had been looking forward to a nice, big Christmas dinner for some time leading up to my most recent visit home, because I knew I would be "eating high on the hog.

& 在我最近那次回家之前的一段时间里,我一直盼望着吃上一顿美味丰盛的圣诞节晚宴,因为我知道我会&eat high on the hog的。

But for Southerners who enjoy good barbecued pork (and there aren't many who don't), there's a great way to eat high on the hog while eating every part of it: go to "a pig pickin".

不过,对于那些喜欢吃美味猪肉烧烤的南方人来说,有一个绝好的办法来&eat high on the hog&而不会错过任何一部分猪肉:去吃&a pig pickin&。

For example, in one case decided in October 2005, the ALJ reduced MSHA's proposed penalty from $50,000 to $10,000.41 Although the judge concluded that the gravity of the violation was less than MSHA had originally found, thereby supporting a penalty reduction, he appeared to agree with MSHA's assessment regarding the other five statutory factors, including MSHA's finding that the operator's degree of negligence was high.42


0 Page 45 Figure 24: Explanation of freefall and high-g detection.

图 24 :解释自由落体和 high-g 检测。请看解释文字。

The air is filled with vital fragrances for the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers' creative layouts.

空气里充满着被蔬菜水果商有创意的高高堆起的水果和蔬菜的香味。piled high 高高的堆起的过去分词短语做后置定语,表完成表被动

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High And Dry
High Roller
High School Crush
Too High To Get It Right
Aiming High
High Voltage
Hell Or High Water
Guns High
Too High (Poly High)
High So High

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
