英语人>网络例句>her 相关的网络例句
与 her 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She hated reading, or study of any kind, and loved society; rather than be alone she would admit Phoebe Marks into her confidence, and loll on one of the sofas in her luxurious dressing-room, discussing a new costume for some coming dinner party, or sit chattering to the girl, with her jewel box beside her, upon the satin cushions, and Sir Michael's presents spread out in her lap, while she counted and admired her treasures.


Watching her lying her head peacefully lost in her own mind frozen thru her gaze with her arms tucked tight around her boyfriend's waist had brought back the memories of the juvenile naiveness and heartfelt innocence.


This world taught woman northing skillful and then said her work was valueless. It permitted her no opinions and said she did not know how to think. It forbade her to speak in public, and said the sex had no orators. It denied her the schools, and said the sex had no genius. It robbed her of every vestige of responsibility, and then called her weak.


In her words, her looks, her smile, her perfume, and in every movement of her body, there was something that reduced Poltoratsky to obliviousness of everything except the consciousness of her nearness, and he made blunder after blunder, trying his partner's temper more and more.


Fairly leaping to her feet, Krista reached up under her skirt and tore the thin nylon briefs off of her pussy, and then sat back down on her chair with her skirt pulled up and her pussy lips bulging obscenely in an open invitation to the old cunt!!!

相当的跨越式发展,她的脚,克里斯塔达成了下她的裙子,撕毁薄尼龙内裤过她的ym,然后坐在回落对她的椅子上,她裙子拉起来和她的ym嘴唇鼓起来可耻的,在公开邀请老cunt !

In the course of the evocations and schemes to which i had dedicated so many insomnias,I had gradually eliminated all the superfluous blur, and by stacking level upon level of translucent vision, had evolved a final picture. Nacked, except for one sock and her charm bracelet, spread-eagled on the bed where my philter had felled her- so i foreglimpsed her; a velvet hair ribbon was still clutched in her hand; her honey- brown body, with the white negative image of rudimentary swimsuit patterned against her tan, presented to me its pale breastbuds; in the rosy lamplight, a little pubic floss glistened on its plump hillock.


In my eyes ,she is a woman who is always passionate . intelligent . wise and fond of challenge.she shows great enthusiasm in public welfare ,and what she has done for public welafare makes her beautiful image more brilliant.she shows intelligence in dealing with her emotion with her husband,and she defeated her rival and saved the marriage.she shows wisdom in supporting her husband without any hesitation ,and she addressed here and where for her husband's running for presiden .


It does not matter, that shows your home it is very smart baby, then have their own idea long ago, and likes, and do not like what the baby is my home so that her pro-family only her hand, but not pro-legs on, on the would shout, and pro-大姨do not like her, like her father, the pro, we feel that we do good magic, and now she has been five months, the situation is much better to know to maintain friendly relations with people, and the total out of the neighbors see her allowed to touch her or others, and strangers can not, I think that a good sense of self-protection do


The way back his evil heart took flame at the sight of philomela on who was then in her beauty of maidenhood.he seized and carried her away by force,cut out her tongue and imprisoned her in a lonely hut in the woods.to procne he lied,saying that philomela was dead.philomela stayed in prison for ayear,where she had woven her painful story into the web of a robe .then she managed to send the robe to her sister.

在 返回的途中,看到菲勒美拉浑身散发出的青春和美丽,泰诺斯非常嫉妒,顿生歹意。他强行带走了菲勒美拉,并割去了她的舌头,将她关在森林中一个偏僻的小茅屋里。在普鲁丝妮面前,他撒谎说菲勒美拉已经死了。菲勒美拉被囚禁了整整一年。在囚禁期间,她将痛苦的经历编织成了一件长袍;然后,她想方设法让长袍落到她姐姐的手中。

With more care for the safety of her new gown than for the comfort of her protegee, Mrs. Allen made her way through the throng of men by the door, as swiftly as the necessary caution would allow; Catherine, however, kept close at her side, and linked her arm too firmly within her friend's to be torn asunder by any common effort of a struggling assembly.


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Squeeze Her, Tease Her
Lift Her Pull Her
To Know Her Is To Love Her
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her
If You Really Love Her, Let Her Go
I'll Only Miss Her (When I Think Of Her)
Promise Her Anything (But Give Her Love)
Tell Her You Love Her
Tell Her (You Love Her Each Day)
I'll Only Miss Her When I Think Of Her

I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
