英语人>网络例句>guid 相关的网络例句
与 guid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method of eigenfunction expansion was used to calculate the disperse curves of guid.


The work above would be helpful to guid and use the fibroin into solving life issues.


With that ,we decide to use WINDDK to compile the driver program which is closer to hardware and can be handled agilely after compare the several popular way of making WDM driver program, in despite of it will bring more difficulty.


Hypogene high thermal or deep source epi-mesothermal condition and it is not only stressed the mantle source simply but also the crust-mantle;②in order to guid ore exploration better the artificial classification of uranium deposits should be broken and uranium ore-forming system strengthened;③much attention should be paid to searching the diabase-hosted rich uranium ore in strongly argillized cataclastic zone;④attention should be paid to the influence of basement of volcanic basin on the uranium ore formation that should be undstood both in feeling and theoretically through the ore propect process;⑤relation of red basin with uranium ore formation can be made clear from analyzing tectonics, paleo-climate and time and it is not only theoretically important but also helpful to uranium ore prediction;⑥crypto explosive pipe is an uranium ore, rich uranium ore host structure and it is the next goal for uranium ore exploration in east China.


We developed the spatial information, which included DTM, topography, slope, aspect, altitude, temperature, precipitation, light soil types, soil texture, administrative zoning, forestry zoing, stream transportation network. The colored aerophotos were scanned and corrected to be orthogonal images. Then, land cover were interpretated and land-use mapping. Ecological site quality of Chamaecyparis formosensis were evaluated for productivity. Habitat suitability index of warbers and guid were evaluated for biodiversity of landscape. The restoration strategies of collapsed area after Chi-Chi earthquake were developed by land evaluation.

本研究以中兴大学实验惠荪场为,进空间资讯之建构,其内容包括DTM、地形、坡、坡向、海拔高、气温、雨、湿、光、土壤种、土壤质地、政区划、业区划、溪、交通线等分布,并用彩色航空摄影照片扫描化且校正成正射投影之影像、地覆判释、郁闭、分高分布图与土地用型图制作;由空间资库进分层取样设计,以供有效之地面调查,而进生产的生态地位评估、地景多样性的野生动物栖息地适宜评估、以及集集921 地震后崩塌地分析、评估与回策之拟定应用,结果显示空间资讯在生态系经营的政策性与策性规划应用上,相当有效。

But we shouldn't lose sight of the everyday nature of those human bings,who were children,teenagers and young people before they acquired the skills by which to guid us.


Each GUID is specific to a program that is installed on your computer.


May be he will, if you are willing to guid it to nourish it and believe it


Wugui: Maybe it could do that, if you will to guid it and trust it.


Faith is essential to guid our life.


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
