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与 government 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the Grand-Ducal government this is a matter for run-of-the-mill bureaucracy and not to be handled with undue speed (there has not been much change since, it seems).


The Communist Party does not tolerate satire and there are precious few outlets for the humourist via official channels because the government keeps a close eye on the internet for signs of subversion.


According to Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group, the number of porky earmarks has exploded under Republican rule, from 1,439 in 1995 to 13,997 last year.

根据公民反政府浪费组织(Citizens Against Government Waste)这一监督组织提供的分肥法案数字,从1995年的1439项增至去年的13997项,共和党治下,数字激增。

For the woes of our age, form global warming to the rapacity of huge corporations. Other see American ideals - a commitment to freedom, say, or to limited government - as being universally inspiring.

他们认为美国在自由以及限制政府权力等议题上的持之以恒的追求(a commitment to freedom, say, or to limited government )是值得全人类效法的。

During World War II, microscope development has to be soft-pedaled, on government order.


This text proceeds with intension of government performance management of government and performance evaluation, has explained meaning of performance management of government, standard and value orientation of performance evaluation; has summered history and current situation of performance management of government in the West, and has analyzed the characteristic of performance management of government in the West; has analyzed predicament of performance management of government, and expounded improvement tactics pointedly; On the basis of discussing the necessity, research and existing problems of implementing performance management of our government, has explained how to structure the performance administrative system of our government , think that it should include structure principle , system platform and evaluation system, put forward implementing tactics of the performance management of our government finally.


Government Tompolo has been commanding the main militant faction in western Niger Delta, attacking oil installations and seriously disrupting oil production.

Government Tompolo一直以来指挥着尼日尔三角洲西部地区的主要武装组织对石油设施进行攻击,并对石油生产造成了严重的破坏,另外两名武装组织领导人在周五也放下了武器。

Government Tompolo has been commanding the main militant faction in western Niger Delta, attacking oil installations and seriously disrupting oil production. Two other militant leaders gave up their weapons on Saturday.

Government Tompolo一直以来指挥着尼日尔三角洲西部地区的主要武装组织对石油设施进行攻击,并对石油生产造成了严重的破坏,另外两名武装组织领导人在周五也放下了武器。

The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries .


Linked to this was anti-monarchical thinking, represented in the famous early Renaissance fresco cycle Allegory of Good and Bad Government in Siena by Ambrogio Lorenzetti (painted 1338–1340) whose strong message is about the virtues of fairness, justice, republicanism and good administration.

改译文:与此相关的,是壁画《好政府与坏政府的讽喻》(Allegory of Good and Bad Government)所表达出的反君主制思想;这幅著名的早期文艺复兴壁画位于锡耶纳,由安布罗焦·洛伦采蒂绘于1338年至1340年;他通过这幅画传达出了对公平、公正、共和及优秀政府的强烈渴盼。

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You've Got To Die For The Government
Die For Your Government
When You Don't Control Your Government People Want To Kill You
Voice Of God Is Government
You Are (The Government)
U.S. Government
Logan To Government Center
Letter From The Government
Government Gone Luuu
Government Flu

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
