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与 frequent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the analysis of the frequent spectrum and the reflection coefficients, based on Godas two-points method which fit to the normal incident wave, a modified two-points method is derived that can be used to calculate the frequent spectrum and reflection coefficient of the oblique waves from which the frequent spectra of incident waves and reflected waves incoming in arbitrary angular, the bulk reflection coefficient and the frequent spectrum of reflection coefficient could be computed, also from which in theory the waves could be measured in two wave gauges which is disposed at any direction.


In the analysis of the frequent spectrum and the reflection coefficients, based on Goda's two-points method which fit to the normal incident wave, a modified two-points method is derived that can be used to calculate the frequent spectrum and reflection coefficient of the oblique waves from which the frequent spectra of incident waves and reflected waves incoming in arbitrary angular, the bulk reflection coefficient and the frequent spectrum of reflection coefficient could be computed, also from which in theory the waves could be measured in two wave gauges which is disposed at any direction.


Aiming at the multiple loop structures in quality management process network, an improved graph pattern mining approach based on Apriori algorithm is put forward, where a frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, is joined with another frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, to form a candidate frequent pattern of size (k+1), if there exists a source vertex s in G and a sink vertex e in G such that the graph derived from G by subtracting node s equals with the graph derived from G G by subtracting node e.


My first composition in this style was "Frequent Flyer" which can be heard on my first major label album INSTRUMENT LANDING.

我创作的这种风格第一个曲子叫"Frequent Flyer"你可以在我第一个签约公司的专辑"Instrument Landing"里听到这个曲子。

In this paper, a new algorithm FPMFI (frequent pattern tree for maximal frequent item sets) for mining maximal frequent item sets is proposed.

另外,算法FPMFI通过删除FP子树(conditional frequent pattern tree)的冗余信息,有效地压缩了 FP 子树的规模,减少了遍历的开销。

It usually involves places like The Alps, Aspen, Telluride, or just about anywhere most jet-setters and celebrities frequent.


Since any frequent itemset is a subset of a maximal frequent itemset (an itemset is maximal frequent if it has no superset that is frequent), this paper proposes the DMFI (Discovery of Maximal Frequent Itemsets) algorithm for mining all the maximal frequent itemsets from data sets. This algorithm searches the maximal frequent itemsets in data sets from both bottom-up and top-down directions in the meantime. This paper proposes an algorithm that evaluates the boundaries on the support and confidence of uncalculated itemsets by exploiting the information provided by the calculated itemsets.

本文在经典关联规则的基础上,提出了一系列扩展的关联规则开采算法:发现关联规则的难度体现在发现频繁项目集上,事实上最大频繁项目集(其所有的超集都为非频繁项目集的频繁项目集)的集合已经包含了所有的频繁项目集,本文提出一种发现最大频繁项目集的算法DMFI(Discovery Maximal Frequent Itemsets),该算法采用自底向上和自顶向下相结合的搜索策略对数据空间进行有效的搜索。

The basic idea of Frequent-Wavelet is to pass time series through the atrous smooth filters set, and then cluster the derived subsequences, so the problem of FTS mining is converted to the problem of FIS mining.


But there the grass and trees take more time to wither, the air is moister and the sky more pallid, with frequent rain and less wind.

&多雨&一词需在文章中要表达是南方天气特征,即时常下雨,&多&说的是频率高,用frequent 更为准确。

In the 3 paragraph,"Frequent-flier miles built up during years of loyalty to one carrier may disappear with the stroke of a bankruptcy court's pen."

Frequent-flier miles指的是航空公司对经常乘坐自己航班的老乘客加以奖励的赠予里程数。

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Frequent Flyer

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
