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It is an item of newest scientific findings incorporating microbiolody , agrology , plant nutrition into an organic whole, mainly take many kinds of function type biological active funguses as the core , regard such organic matter as innoxious and treated beasts and birds excrement and urine , humic acid ,etc. as carriers, while cooperating with right amountly , micro- nutrition element, reach and improve the soil microorganism to trend towards the department, foster and apply fertilizer purpose of soil, fertilizer add nitrogen synergist and phosphorus , potassium chela mixture also, can apply fertilizer once only , does not need to topdress again in the whole breeding time.


The effect of azotobacter fertilizer on living activity, soil fertility, yield, total nutrient and crop quantity is studied at the different level of using nitrogen .in the calciform soil by the rape potted plant biology analogue experiment, in order that the best scope of valid applying azotobacter fertilizer is determined. It can offer theoretic basis for searching ways of biology controlling to high yields and qualities, optimization directions for products of special compound fertilizer and valid using.


Both in green house and in the open field ,relative content and total content of characteristic aroma components:of butanoic acid, methyl ester; butanoic acid, ethyl ester; hexanoic acid, methyl ester; hexanoic acid, ethyl ester; DMHF; DMMF trended to increase and then decline with the increment of nitrogen fertilizer, and the highest was the Mid-N fertilizer treatment. So favorable nitrogen application can promote the process of fruit aroma, that is , feasible fertilizer application could enhance fruit flavor.


The results showed that it was invalid to apply Zn fertilizer alone, but biomass production obviously increased while Zn and P fertilizer applying together during maize seedling stage, P and Zn showed positive interaction effects in carbonate Chernozem of seriously lack of P. While applying P and organic fertilizer, the contents of Zn were 19.4~23.3 mg/kg, P/Zn...

结果表明:在严重缺磷的碳酸盐黑钙土上,单独施锌无效,锌磷配施玉米苗期生物学产量增产明显,磷与锌呈正交互作用;施磷和有机肥时,玉米苗期锌含量下降到 19.4~ 2 3.3mg/kg,磷/锌比值大于 140 ,玉米易出现白苗症;施入土壤的锌第 1年固定率最高可达 65%~ 88%,第 2年达 85%~ 95%,第 3年达 88.5%~92 。4 %;磷与锌配施既能提高锌的利用率又能提高磷的利用率

Basic fertilizer (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) add medium-term (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) facilitates favor to high-yield with the best conprehensive quality;density(40cm×60cm)with the highest yield; plastic mulching can significantly increase plant height, leaf width, leaf length, mature leaves, basal culm thickness, the first grade cormels weight and the second grade cormels weight; the first grade cormels of red sprout clocasia escalenta weight and yield had the obvious phenomenon of rapid growth in the medium expansion period of clocasia escalenta (July 14); an appropriate increase in plant height and stem yield was conducive to the increase in corn yield, the increase in corn yield favor to the first grade cormel numbers, the first grade cormel yield, the second grade cormel numbers, the second grade cormel yield, and thus obtain a higher yield.


Potassium-magnesium fertilizer contained a large number of calcium into the soil, but also play a role in disinfection, will be reduced as a result of continuous cropping and land compaction caused by bacteria, such as increasing the hazards of cotton, also contained potassium magnesium manganese fertilizer can reduce damping-off , and Verticillium wilt incidence, Mo can enhance the ability of cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt; and management of salinity through the potassium-magnesium fertilizer to improve the ecological balance of the soil environment, absorption of nutrients and more robust plants, their resistance to strong and difficult illness.


Currently as China's accelerating development of agricultural industrialization and the increase of the agricultural production investment, the demand for chemical fertilizers increases year after year. Simultaneously as China's scientification in fertilization and fertilization ratio of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizer tending to be reasonable, the chemical fertilizer demand structure will possibly change, the chemical fertilizer market environment will also change, the chemical fertilizer industry will run to the direction of high efficiency and environmentally no harm. Comparing to ordinary urea, large urea has many merits. These merits include big rime, glabrous pellet, smooth and well-mixed, not easy to crush or agglomerate in moist environment, suitable for long distance bulk transport and storage, and so on.


The field experiments were carried out at different organic matter contents soils at Nanhua county, the result showed that: Application of suitable cake fertilizer quantities and chemistry fertilizer can promote upper leaves to spread out, enhance P and K nutrition of flue-cured leaves; The tobacco applied cake fertilizer quantities grows well, the leaves yellowing and maturity in place, and suitable cake fertilizer can raise yield and value.


It is conducive to uptake soil nitrogen for flue-tobacco on dryland soil with maize-tobacco rotation before topping (60 days after transplanting) and uptake soil nitrogen for flue-tobacco on paddy soil with rice-tobacco rotation after topping.2 The nitrogen utilization efficiency of rapeseed cake, rice straw and rape straw were 19.5%, 15.5%, 8.1% respectively, and the inorganic fertilizer nitrogen utilization efficiency were 41.1%, 42.7% and 35.7% under the combined application of organic additives and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. The contribution rate of rapeseed cake, rice straw, rape straw to accumulated nitrogen of flue-cured tobacco were 1.0%, 2.4%, 2.7% respectively by the combined application of organic additives and nitrogen fertilizer. Flue-cured tobacco for organic nitrogen absorption meet with the nitrogen needs laws of high-quality tobacco, indicating that the combined application organic additives and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer reduces the nicotine content of tobacco, an increase of sugar/nicotine ratio and improved the quality of tobacco. In which the role of rice and rape straw is greater than the rapeseed cake can be used as measures to lower nicotine.3 Nitrogen accumulation in flue-cured tobacco with the total nitrogen input was a significant positive correlation during the growth stage of flue-cured tobacco. The total nitrogen input for the 156.3-405.5kg.hm-2, in which the soil nitrogen mineralization capacity account for 22.6%-54.3%, with an average of 34.5%, that is, soil nitrogen mineralization accounted for 1/3 of the total nitrogen input.


Yunnan Tobacco Research Institute, Yuxi 653100Abstract : In order to investigate the effect of medium and trace elements, organic fertilizer on appearance and internal qualities of sun-cured tobacco, search after some efficient ways to improve the qualities, by adding organic fertilizer in basal dressing and spraying trace elements on leaf surface, the results showed that both organic and medium or trace fertilizer having the effect of increasing output value and yield. Among the experimental treatments, magnesium fertilizer and manure plus rape cake showed the most.


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