英语人>网络例句>feed 相关的网络例句
与 feed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This study investigated the effect of sludge retention time on the removal of high concentrations of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphate in a bench-scale sequencing batch reactor operating with a three-stage alternating anoxic-oxic sequence and step-feed to treat synthetic wastewater.

本研究利用阶梯进流配合缺氧/厌氧-好氧三阶段交替操作之批式反应器系统( the step-feed alternating anoxic/anaerobic-oxic sequencing batch reactor, SAOSBR ),处理含高浓度碳、氮、磷之合成废水,并探讨污泥停留时间,对系统硝化、脱硝、除磷特性及处理效能的影响。

You are not allowed to categorize this feed item.

你没有对此 feed 项目进行分类的权限。

This content is usually in the form of an RSS feed (which is an XML-based syndication standard).

这些内容通常是以 RSS feed(一种以 XML 为基础的串联标准)的形式发布。

How can you do with Jott ? First you need create an account with it. After that, you can add any RSS feed to your account.

如何使用 Jott ?非常简单,只要创建一个账户,在其中添加你喜欢网站的RSS feed。

The next line is the RSS feed description. This should describe your RSS feed item.

再下面的一行就是RSS feed的描述部分,这应该是描述你的RSS feed项目的。

The characters "space,""carriage return,""line feed" and "blank" mean the same in either FIGS or LTRS.

在FIGS或LTRS中,字符"space"、"carriage return"、"line feed"和"blank"的意思相同。

Feed - Based on the Fase 4 RDF/RSS parser, Feed is the first step to what will become a smart information and news retrieval agent.

基于Fase 4 RDF/RSS语法分析器,Feed是向智能信息和消息检索代理迈出的第一步。

Now, news Feed had made one of parts with the most important Facebook.

现在,News Feed已经成为了Facebook最重要的部分之一。

Calendar-Driven News Feed and Routing Service is based on SOA, and works in server-client mode.


GFC is composed of flow-control mechanism and feed-back mechanism. The former mechanism allocates the bandwidth and schedules the delivery of packets based on the priority of the data and the length of the sending queues; the latter mechanism emendates and adjusts the traffic control parameters based on the feed back information of the TCP.

该算法由流控机制(Flow-ControlMechanism)和反馈机制(Feed-Back Mechanism)两部分组成,流控机制根据组播报文的优先级和长度对各个发送队列中的报文进行带宽分配和发送调度;反馈机制基于TCP的反馈信息对流控参数进行实时校正和调节,进而有效地减少报文的丢失率。

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Feed Me Jack Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Peter Sellers
Feed My Frankenstein
Feed My Frankenstein (Live)
Feed The Wolves
Feed Your Ego
Feed This Fire
There's A Beast And We All Feed It
Feed My Dreams
The One You Feed
Feed The Dada

We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
