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与 feckless 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My View on Job-Hopping A lot of people like to do one job in their lives. They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.


Fingers have been pointed at supine regulators, greedy bankers and investors, naive consumers and feckless politicians.


Take your pick - Gordon, Ken, China, the police, our feckless society, the chaotic freedoms of real democracy.


Microcredit is one example, in part because poor men seem to be more feckless borrowers than their female counterparts.


Beyond those feckless, flouncing crowds, in the wider world he surveyed as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he blocked aid from going down "foreign rat holes" and resisted for years paying money that was owed to the United Nations.


But I was surprised to see, first, that they had handcuffed the miscreant and, second, that the dodger was not black, but a young white South African wearing designer sunglasses, surfer shorts and a feckless grin.


The Archbishopof York, the country's second senior prelate, has condemned traders who cashedin on falling prices as "bank robbers and asset strippers." Thegeneric trader makes a good whipping boy:"It does make me angry that thissituation has been created by greedy, irresponsible, feckless city boys,"says Katherine Walker, 27, who works in publishing,"The financial worldhas been acting in a megalomaniacal fashion and deserves to be taken down a pegor five. This is a terrible situation for the average hard-working family. Ithappened to my family in the 90's during the last downturn and affected usdeeply for years."

英国位居次席的大教主约克大主教,则把趁火打劫的经纪人称为&抢银行的和打家劫舍的&,而普通的交易员找到了更好的替罪羊:&这真让我愤怒,是贪婪,无能,不负责任的城市男造成了这一切,&27岁出版社工作的Katherine Walker说,&金融界一直有狂妄自大的风气,是该灭灭他们的威风了,对于那些努力工作的普通人家来说现状真是可怕,上次90年代的经济衰退我家就赶上了,影响了我们好几年。&

German banks lent hand over fist to feckless foreign borrowers .


The political problem can be finessed: as Don Kohn, a vice-chairman of the Federal Reserve, recently observed, teaching a few thousand feckless financiers not to over-speculate is much less important than securing the jobs of millions of Americans and tens of millions around the globe.


Who look down on the first category as unwitting dupes of feckless elites who exploit sentimental pieties to aggrandize their wealth, start wars, ruin lives.


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In her eyes, because that is the doorway toher heart * the place where love resides.


I will send some postcards to you.


Of aesthetics and the definiteness of its content and leads to its immaturity and decline .
