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与 faculty 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Are they those faculty members who are most passionate about working with students or are they adjunct faculty?


Finally, strategies to the construction of faculty in adult-oriented college are proposed: we should develop and implement plans of faculty construction; at the same time, we should create a good employment environment, and construct systems for recruitment, cultivation and management of faculty team; in the meantime, we should improve the system of faculty post management, performance evaluation system and allocation system.


Humanistic concern requires faculty to pursue the harmony of material and spirit, seek the integration of scientific and humanistic spirit, implement the complementariness of rigid and flexible management which truly reflects the faculty management idea of "all for people, for all people", and can better guide the faculty development.


Uses an ecological perspective to study the theory and faculty resources to expand higher education research perspective, broadening the field of higher education research, contribute to improved human resource management college teachers to improve the ecological environment of faculty resources to address university Teacher Resource and ecological imbalances that exist in the system and to promote the ecological health of faculty resources development, further enhance the university teaching and research, has important theoretical and practical significance.


I used to be a teacher for ten years.it was 1926 I finished my study in American and became a teacher in national department of almamater Yangjing university.most of directors and teachers are my teacher.also other departments has my teacher.anyway,all the teachers in the school are my predecessors.so when it came to professoriate,I always chose a corner or an edge ,stayed very terrified.people all joked me as faculty baby.i was less than 26 that term.

我只当过十年的教师。那是一九二六年我从美国留学回来,在母校燕京大学国文系当了一名教师。那时系里的主任和教师大半是我的老师。校内其他科、系里也有我的老师。总之,全校的教师都是我的师辈!因此在开教授会的时候,我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁。大家都笑着称我为 Faculty Baby。那一学期我还不满二十六岁。

Secondly, summarized the management system of part-time faculty in Zhongqiao, pointed out the experiences and disadvantages through comparing by using many methods like questionnaire、 interview and statistic to make a further survey on aspects of part-time faculty management status quo: questionnaire survey on employing management, compensation, motivation and performance evaluation and the expectation and evaluation of the student to the teacher; interview survey on the bepuzzlement and measure of administrators; statistic survey on performance evaluation, liquidity and compensation of the part-time faculty.


He was born in Ujung Pandang, a city in South of Sulawesi which in the past known as Makassar Harbour, in year 1948. He entered Faculty of Fine Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, in 1970. Before he was graduated in 1975, he studied esthetics under noted philosopher, Dick Hartoko OSJ in the city of Yogyakarta, between 1974-1975. At the same time, followed informal study on esthetics at Faculty of Philosophy and Faculty of Literature, Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta.

于1948年出生于苏拉威西岛南部曾以马卡萨海峡海港而驰名的城市乌戎潘当。1970年就读万隆工艺学院中的艺术设计系,毕业前曾于于1974到1975年间跟随著名哲学家Dick Hartoko OSL在日惹学习美学,同时在日惹的加查马达大学的哲学系和文学系中接受非正式的美学教育。

Thus we found that Chinese college faculty\'s working motivation is ordinally from the professional development, economic agent and environmental factor; the exertion of working enthusiasm of faculty members in self-assessing is between general and better; faculty wastage rate is usually low, the faculty team is in stable or super-stable state.


As things turned out, the protections of academic freedom were much less effective in dealing with internal attacks from organized students and left-wing faculty who disrupted classes, picketed faculty homes and offices, took over administration buildings, issued threats to faculty and administrators, and generally used the tactics of street politics to take over the university.


UNB boasts two campuses: Fredericton and Saint John, and is composed of Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Science, Applied Science and Engineering, Graduate Studies, and University Libraries.


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Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
