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example of case相关的网络例句

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与 example of case 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, hovering over a part of a scene could open a ToolTip-like menu that lets users select one or more overlapping objects (this menu wouldn't be necessary in the simple case of one unambiguous object). If individual facets, vertices, or edges can be selected, each should hint at its pliancy as the mouse rolls over it.


For example, if you want to insert custom behavior in the case of transaction rollback, you can.


All detailed packaging method and the technological process for this special content are described in this text, for example, design and combination of packaging case, rustproof packaging , safe protection of locomotive etc.


In this case, the article emphasis chooses the next five marine products treasure collection, for example abalone, the dried adductor of a pen shell, sea cucumber, shark' s fin, XiShi tongue as investig...


In the case of Kai En, for example, our selling point is our expertise in spoken English.


For example, in the case of an application such as video-on- demand, special services on the video serer side for support of real-time database access and transmission must be developed


But I found it breakable and unfathomable that tips were usually given voluntarily after the service. It could break down when a third refused to give tips. Take dining for example, if you give tips a sharp rebuff, the waiter can do nothing. And in case of anything unkind, like his dirtying your pizza, you could just go to another one.

我曾经非常困惑,主要依靠被服务对象事后的自觉,太脆弱了,假如有 1/3 的人不遵守,这个游戏就玩不下去了,拿吃饭来说,假如你坚持不付小费,别人也拿你没办法,大不了下次换个馆子,以免服务员在你比萨饼里吐口水。

This marble surfaced computer case from Morex is another example we have seen around the showground. Maybe in the future, we might be looking at a room full of computer products, but so ornamented that we see them as parts of the house deco


In the example cited in the FSA's final notice on the case, Mr Shroff knew the exact contents of a client's portfolio and sent trades into the market in the same stocks ahead of the execution time for that client's holdings.


As an example, we performed case studies of thin film growth.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
