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Men in flawless top-coats, high hats, and silver-headed walking sticks elbowed near and looked too often into conscious eyes.


So what exactly has Google been up to with its sharp-elbowed tactics in mobile?


Of course, Jackson hardly ever played more than 34 minutes a game in his days as a sharp-elbowed power forward.


Be resilient: Some expected cultural differences between Wachovia and sharp-elbowed Pru to torpedo the effort.


Why does Mr Marchionne believe he can salvage something from a firm that the rest of the industry sees as a basket-case—and which has defied the best efforts first of rich, successful Daimler and later of Cerberus Capital Partners, a sharp-elbowed private-equity group that acquired an 80% stake in Chrysler from the Germans two years ago?

为什么Mr Marchionne相信他可以从一个其他人都认为完全没有希望的公司中抢救出一些东西呢?——而且克莱斯勒一度使最富有,成功的戴姆勒和后来的赛尔伯昌资本管理公司,来自德国的强势的私募股权集团,2年前曾掌控克莱斯勒80%的股份成效落空?

Why does Mr Marchionne believe he can salvage something from a firm that the rest of the industry sees as a basket-case—and which has defied the best efforts first of rich, successful Daimler and later of Cerberus Capital Partners, a sharp-elbowed private-equity group that acquired an 80% stake in Chrysler from the Germans two years ago?

我相信他可以从一个其他人不相信,这两家公司希望能节省一些东西?-一旦最富有的克莱斯勒汽车公司,戴姆勒和随后成功赛尔伯吴资本管理公司,由德国的强烈私人股本集团, 2年前控制80 %的克莱斯勒股份的效力没有?

And Alan Milburn, a former health secretary who is leading a government commission on how to get more poor youngsters into professions such as medicine and law, frets that their access is being blocked by the sharp-elbowed middle-classes, who give their kids a leg-up by arranging valuable work experience and internships that few poorer parents can line up or finance.

前卫生大臣Alan Milburn领导的委员会正在讨论如何帮助贫困青年进入诸如医药、法律这样的行业,他担心,贫困青年进入这些行业的道路被有钱有势的中产阶级家长给堵死了,这些人可以帮孩子获得实习机会和有价值的工作经验,穷人家父母则没能力或者没钱提携子女。

In the second quarter,Duncan elbowed Mcdyess in the nose,causing it to Bleed,as he drives to the Basket.


The Dream Team lived up to every hope, rolling over opponents who were dazzled to be on the same floor, right down to Angola's Herlander Coimbra, who asked to pose for a picture with Charles Barkley after the game in which Barkley elbowed him.


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At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


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I hope you can acquire blessedness...
