英语人>网络例句>due 相关的网络例句
与 due 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 29 If the offeree dispatched the acceptance within the time limit specified for acceptance, and under normal circumstances the acceptance would have reached the offeror in due time, but due to other reasons the acceptance reaches the offeror after the time limit for acceptance has expired, such acceptance shall be effective, unless the offeror notifies the offeree in a timely manner that it does not accept the acceptance due to the failure of the acceptance to arrive within the time limit.


Due tohas been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status of due must be retained.

Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to那样的复合介词使用,但批评者坚持认为应保持 due的形容词地位。

Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status ofdue must be retained.

Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to 那样的复合介词使用,但批评者坚持认为应保持due 的形容词地位。

Meanwhile, the concentration of Pb,Zn and other heavy metals is rather high in the oxidation zone and decreasesdownward to levels that are unbelievably low for Pb-Zn mine tailings. Theseobservations suggest that heavy metals should be re-immobilized by secondaryminerals, rather than primary minerals, in the oxidation zone, and could be leachedout from suboxic environment due to low rate oxidative dissolution which preventsthe precipitation of secondary minerals in significant amount. Thus, cover scenarioswhich establish a suboxic environment beneath the cover layer might not always beeffective in preventing heavy metal release from mine tailings.Sequential extraction studies indicate that, in addition to heavy metal leaching,oxidation of the mine tailings increased the mobility of residual Zn, and Cu, while Pb remains immobile due to the formation of anglesite (PbSO4). Using the seven-step extraction technique developed by Dold (J. Geochem. Explor., 2003, 80: 55-68), galena dissolves in significant amount at step 2 most probably due to the strong complexing of Pb2+ by acetate, while other metal sulfides dissolve at step 6, which suggest that this extraction technique could not be used to evaluate the mobility of lead in natural environment


On the basis of analyzing the formation anddevelopment of due procedure,and commenting on western jurists andphilosopher'due procedure theory,the author brings forwards his own viewon the theory of rule by law contained in due procedure,on the light of which,after expounding the relationship between due procedure and human rightsprotection、power restriction as well as constitutional authority,the authormakes a primary envisagement on constructing Chinese due process of law.


The eyes are brought into fixation alignment by a complex serise of vergence movements ;tonic vergence due to tonus of extraocular muscles ,accommodative vergence due to changes in accommodation ,fusional vergence due to the action of normal fusion reflexes ;proximal vergence due to awareness of nearness of the target.

3聚散运动的多重复杂因素参与对注视眼位的控制,包括 a。眼外肌的张力引起的张力性聚散; b。调节机能诱发相应的调节性聚散; c。正常的融像反射诱发的融像性聚散; d。近目标诱发的近感知性聚散。

The rapid development of education group also brings some problems, Such as blindness due to lack of tactics, incompactness due to lack of authority, loose cooperation due to unclear property rights, and lack of harmony due to lagging incorporation.


The results reveal that spectra obtained by different parametric methods are similar. The spectra of normal cells' voltage have only one noticeable lobe due to fluctuation of molten alumina at anodes, while spectra of other abnormal cells have one mainlobe and one sidelobe. In cells with carbon in bath the spectral mainlobe of cell voltage is still due to the fluctuation of molten alumina at anodes and the sidelobe is due to the fluctuation of carbon in bath; in cells with metal pad wave, the spectral mainlobe is due to metal pad waving and the sidelobe is still due to the fluctuation of molten alumina at anodes. Compared with wavelet packet analysis, spectral analysis is simpler and takes less time in calculation, which is a big merit in the large-scale application of online diagnosis systems of working conditions in aluminum reduction cells.


It is much like seeing in a burning mirror, with clouded vision, the great events, sad, prodigious and calamitous events that in due time will fall upon the principal worshipers.

在诺查丹玛斯给当时的法国国王亨利二世的信中的第十二段里也提到人类的一个特殊时期,他称为&due time&,意思是&到期的时候&。

Dan: With all due respect, I don't feel comfortable serving knishes to Blair.Eleanor: But Blair won't be here. And you don't serve knishes at Passover. I'll double your pay...

With all due respect:恕我直言(或许我的话很直接,但其实我还是很尊敬你的),这句话后面通常跟一些比较直接的,或许会让对方不舒服的话。

第1/100页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页
I'm Due A You
Credit Is Due
Due Me A Favour
In Due Time
Due Innamorati Come Noi
Holy Wars...The Punishment Due
Respect Due
Rent Is Always Due

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
