英语人>网络例句>drank 相关的网络例句

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与 drank 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Rolling Stones (4:17) In the merry month of June, From my home I started, Left the girls of Tuam, Nearly broken hearted, Saluted father dear, Kissed my darlin' mother, Drank a pint of beer, My grief and tears to smother, Then off to reap the corn, And le口口e where I was born, I cut a stout blackthorn, To banish ghost and goblin, In a brand new pair of brogues, I rattled o'er the bogs, And frightened all the dogs, On the rocky road to Dublin.

在欢乐的五月,我从家中出发离开了身边的女孩向我亲爱的父亲告别我吻了一下亲爱的妈妈喝一品脱啤酒我悲痛得几乎窒息泪流个不停我要离开家乡去收割玉米离开了我出生的地方我折了株黑木手杖驱除鬼魂和精灵我穿着一双新皮鞋卡嗒卡嗒地跨过沼泽惊走野狗在通往都柏林的石径上一二三四五抓只野兔吃沿着这一条满是石子的路我要去都柏林 Whack-fol-lol-de-ra。

Many of them drank the sweet bliss of God's name and forgot the world.


Soon after the departure of the couple, a gang of miscreants made their appearance, behaved boisterously, ate and drank without making payment


Soon after the departure of the couple, a gang of miscreants made their appearance , behaved boisterously, ate and drank without making payment


To my surprise, she drank up the whole bottle of wine.

使 惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了。

Maybe if you drank bourbon with me,it would be help


"Oh, yes, sir!" said she,"the horse has had a drink; he drank out of a bucket, a whole bucketful, and it was I who took the water to him, and I spoke to him."


Said she,"the horse has had a drink; he drank out of a bucket, a whole bucketful, and it was I who took the water to him, and I spoke to him."


No they are too drank to travel by the tube.


L:yes,i drank two cans of beer.


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Drink Drank Punk
The Drinks We Drank Last Night
Drink Drank Drunk
Drank Smoke
Drank In My Cup
Drink Drank Drunk
Smoke 'N Drank
You Ain't Never Drank No Soda Like This One Here
Drank N Smoke
Drink Drank Drunk

Further more, the simplified analysis method on stressed-skin effect of corrugated steel sheet is also discussed in detail.


If I had known her telephone number,I would have called her.


I'll have to take this dress in at the waist - it's too big.
