英语人>网络例句>dawn 相关的网络例句
与 dawn 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins , catbirds, doves, jays , wrens , and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound; only silence lay over the fields and woods and marsh .


On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins, catbirds, doves, jays, wrens, and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound.


She sold chipmunks to Dawn Animal Agency for films, and provided numerous laboratories with animals for research.


Thus, before the stormy dawn, close to cloughs and bluffs, a combat and confrontation of love and hatred, life and death is being triggered between Professor Rubek, Mrs. Maia Rubek, Irene and Ulfheim a land proprietor


Her comments, after a meeting with UK foreign secretary David Miliband, came as army commandoes regained control of the base in a dramatic pre-dawn raid.


On the first day, when, getting up early in the morning, he came out of the shed into the dawn, and saw the cupolas and the crosses of the New Monastery of the Virgin, all still in darkness, saw the hoar frost on the long grass, saw the slopes of the Sparrow Hills and the wood-clad banks of the encircling river vanishing into the purple distance, when he felt the contact of the fresh air and heard the sounds of the rooks crying out of Moscow across the fields, and when flashes of light suddenly gleamed out of the east and the sun's rim floated triumphantly up from behind a cloud, and cupolas and crosses and hoar frost and the horizon and the river were all sparkling in the glad light, Pierre felt a new feeling of joy and vigour in life such as he had never experienced before.


These are Westcott's actual notes, taken directly from the cyphers, that he, not MacGregor Mathers, used to develop the Golden Dawn's Outer Order rituals.


When debauchees are roused by the white, rosy dawn


1St Class Thomas Dees of Amboy, IL., center, from the 67th Armored Regiment's 3rd Battalion seizes an AK-47 assault rifle at a checkpoint after a pre-dawn raid in the village of Ain Lalin, Iraq, Monday Aug.


Remain rudimentary. They use hijacked tuna-fishing boats or local dhows as the mother ship, then launch attacks from skiffs, usually at dawn or dusk.

战略 还停留在初级:他们使用捕鱼船或者单桅帆船作为其母船,然后通常在拂晓或傍晚时乘坐快艇实施登船袭击。

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Princess Of The Dawn
The Dawn Breaking Tide
Let There Be Love - Dawn Langstroth
Golden Dawn
Pray That Our Love Sees The Dawn
Dawn Chorus
Delta Dawn
I Love You Dawn
Dawn: Dawn Is A Feeling

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
