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Gaudi as we shall see, was not a pompous man, and his simplicity and character permeate his architecture, almost as if freeing architecture from the laws of physics and defying gravity itself; his style is often described as a blend of neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau, but it also has surrealist and cubist elements.


When his peers discovered him secretly at work on the cubist paintings, he instantly became of a campus personality, vaulting5 from standard membership to a leader of an avantgarde group of young Spanish intellectuals


After World War II, we were confronted with the question of how to use ink painting in our shattered homeland while the west was occupied with other things. Surrealist painters like Andre Lubu Lev and Salvatore Dali along with cubist and abstract painters Mondrian, Chagall and Lipchitz headed to America and replaced Paris as the center of the art world. European artists wandered the New York City streets except for Kandinsky due to his age. American contemporary artists like Alexander Calder and Willem De Kooning emerged, followed by the existentialists including Jackson Pollock and Barnett Newman.


Boccioni and Carra made contact with Cubist painting in 1911, first through publications, then on an autumn trip to Paris under the guidance of Severini.


Shortly after that, Picasso started the Cubist movement with fellow artists Georges Braque and Joan Miro.

在之后不久,毕卡索开始了立体派艺术家和人的运动艺术家乔治 Braque 和琼 Miro。

They seem to evoke more of a fauve-coloured view of the world than of a "return" to colour which came after the Pre-Cubist period of decomposition of forms under Braque's influence.


Shortly after that, Picasso started the Cubist movement with fellow artists Georges Braque and Joan Miro.


Out of tin in 1912. If collage - the gluing of previously unrelated things and images on a flat surface - became a basic mode of modern art, that too was due to Picasso's Cubist collaboration with Braque.


Sander said, by a Georges Braque Cubist piece,"Aria of Bach."


In 1918, Le Corbusier met the disillusioned Cubist painter, Amédée Ozenfant , in whom he recognised a kindred spirit.

1918年,勒柯布西耶会见了幻灭立体派画家,阿梅代Ozenfant ,在他确认一志趣相投的。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
