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与 critical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Critical Cluster Model is a network optimization model that can be used to identify neighborhoods facing transportation difficulties during an evacuation process. It defines the Bulk Lane Demand as the ratio of population to exit capacity that is adversative to the meaning of accessibility.

用于区域疏散风险评价的临界簇模型(Critical Cluster Model,CCM)将需要疏散的人口与由此产生的对道路容量的需求相结合,通过对道路网进行全局优化,确定具有较高疏散困难度的区域。

Lung isolation was with an Arndt wire-guided BB (Cook Critical Care, Bloomington, IN), a Cohen Flexi-tip BB or a Fuji Uni-blocker or with a left-sided DLT (Mallinckrodt Medical, Cornamadde, Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland).

四组的单肺通气装置分别为有导线引导的 Arndt 支气管阻塞器( Cook Critical Care ,伯明顿,印第安纳州)、头部可旋转的 Cohen 支气管阻塞器、 Fuji 单腔支气管阻塞器( Fuji Systems ,东京)和左侧双腔支气管导管( Mallinckrodt Medical ,克纳梅德,阿斯隆,韦斯特米斯郡,爱尔兰。

Having determined that the snail darter apparently lives only in that portion of the Little Tennessee River that would be completely inundated by the impoundment of the reservoir created as a consequence of the completion of the Tellico Dam, he declared that area as the snail darter's "critical habitat."

考虑到蜗牛镖明显只生活于小田纳西河的部分区域,而在泰利库大坝竣工后,此部分区域将被大坝所形成的水库完全淹没,内政部长宣布,此区域为蜗牛镖的"关键性栖息地(critical habitat。)"

The hot rolling productoin line is a manufacture system, in which sizes of its buffers are length not integral number. It is a time-critical real time system and a hybrid dynamic system.


March 20, 2003 Chest x-rays can be read by pediatric critical care physicians as reliably on bedside personal computers as on radiology work stations except in the presence of diffuse disease, according to the results of a paired comparison study published in the March issue of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine .

March 20, 2003 -根据一篇发表於3月份「小儿重症加护医学(Pediatric Critical Care Medicine)」期刊的研究结果显示,除了弥漫性肺疾之外,小儿重症加护医师也可以利用放射线工作站来读取患者的胸部X光摄影,就像床边个人电脑一样可靠。

Along with the shap of the cluster,the way in which it is owned is critical.If the pattern of ownership is not in accord with the physical properties of the cluster,the pattern will not take hold.Very simply,the cluster must be owned and maintained by its constituent households.The households must be able to organize themselves as a corporation,capable of owning all the common land they share.


Ease of use ranges in importance from less important, for a one-time experiment to be run only by the application's developer, who is intimately familiar with the software; to very important, for a production application to be used by a variety of semiskilled operators within a single organization; to extremely important, for a mission- or safety-critical application, or a commercial application intended for distribution and resale.

包括以下三种情况:该软件的开发者,他对该软件非常熟悉,在编程中会经常进行一次性试验,此时易用性就不太重要;一个团队中对该软件半熟悉的操作员来使用该软件,此时易用性很重要;在mission- or safety-critical的场合,或者是准备发布销售的商业软件,此时易用性则非常重要!

See circadian rhythm; critical day length; thermoperiodism; vernalization.

参见circadian rhythm; critical day length; thermoperiodism; vernalization。

Additionally, the binding modes of the three mutant camelid VHH antibodies and α-amylase (denoted as T04, T05 and T06) provided by CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Prediction of Interactions) meeting were predicted using the complex type-dependent docking algorithm.

另外,采用该分子对接方法,我们对2002年CAPRI(Critical Assessment ofPrediction of Interactions)学术大会提供的三种不同突变形式的骆驼VHH抗体和胰腺α-淀粉酶分子之间相互作用与识别进行了预测(分别记作T04、T05和T06)。

We used Critical Incident Technique to analyze the data on this research. By filling the half structured question paper from the sampling Hakka restaurants on Meinung, we collected the opinions of service encounter, and Hakka cultural experience from customers. Besides, we also collected the opinions of service encountr from waiters. Then we classify the question papers using two standards which are "Dramaturgical theory" and Bitner's standard developed by Bitner et al.

本研究采用关键事件技术(Critical Incident Technique,CIT),以半结构式的问卷、利用便利抽样方式搜集美浓地区客家餐厅服务人员与顾客对於影响服务接触与文化体验的关键事件之意见;以开放式的问卷利用立意抽样方式搜集美浓地区客家餐厅经营者对於服务接触与文化体验满意之关键事件的看法,再以「剧场理论」与Bitner et al。

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Critical Mass
Critical Acclaim
Ambition Is Critical
Critical Emergency
Critical Emotional
Critical Times
Condition Critical
Critical Mass

I can't say anything hurtful about anyone.


She was a short fat woman , garbed in a very tight , very gaudy red dress .


Leaf blade orbicular or oblong to ovate-lanceolate, less than 3 × as long as wide, abaxially not pruinose.

叶片圆形或长圆形的到卵状披针形,少于3 *倍于宽,背面不具粉霜。