英语人>网络例句>contradict 相关的网络例句

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与 contradict 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In last few years, what the rapid development that builds as economy and supply and demand of land natural resources contradict is acerb with each passing day, state-owned land, as a kind of special commodity, also abundantly entered current field.


Any other or additional condition on the part of the contractor will not become element of the contract even if we do not contradict these in individual cases unless we have expressed our explicit agreement in writing.


In agon analysis, the examination of opposing terms , the critic discovers what oppose or contradict other terms in the rhetoric.


When sects that were defined as heretical in their dissent--Waldenses, Albigenses, Cathari, and others--emerged to counter or contradict Roman Catholic concepts of Christian essence, they had to go into hiding or were pushed into enclaves beyond the enforcing reach of the custodians of official teaching.


But some of Allegheny's approaches contradict conventional lean-manufacturing practices.

然 而A 又并不完全拘泥于传统的精英制造架构。

Development of big country like china may lead to some contradict and attrition.


Automatic coding would appear to contradict our original insistence that the activity of human interpretation must not be eliminated.


I may contradict myself, but I do not contradict the truth.


Even thought the students tell the illustration and the proposition correctly, only few of them know that merely one counter-example is needed to contradict the proposition. Most students are rather inclined to regard the counter-example as restrictions and exceptions just like Lakatos says when the number of counter-example is less and example more than contradict proposition of examples. As a result, they are less able to deny negative proposition.


These prohibitions are innovations made up by some of the scholars and their followers who do not shy from refusing to follow the clear commands in the Quran and instead follow man made laws and books of Hadith and Sunna that contradict the Quran, contradict simple common sense and insult the message of the prophet Muhammad.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
