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与 considerable 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When we use long-term memory, we retain information for a considerable length of time.


I have worked in my present company for a considerable length of time


It is a considerable sum of money.


His father left him a considerable sum of money.


He went to considerable trouble and expense, even as an impecunious young artist to find the right props, a notable example of this being the dress worn by Ophelia, for which he paid four pounds a considerable sum at that time.


Considerable development and validation of methods will be needed.


Under confused sea condition, the structures may subject to very strong w ave impulsive 1oad due to slamming by the wave with significant crest when waves propagate underneath the structure and surge up to its subface. Previous studies indicate that impact pressures are characterized by an initial peak pressure of considerable magnitude but of short duration occurs, followed by a slowly-varying uplift pressure of less magnitude but of considerable duration, and which typically is first positive, then decreases to zero and becomes negative, In hostile sea state, the peak pressures may cause the damage of the horizontal members of the structures or make the whole superstructure collapsed.


More considerable; most considerable


More considerable; most considerable


It is concluded in Chapter Eight that: 1 linguistic proficiencies in three languages play a considerable part in code-switching of EFL teachers in trilingual context; the inter-sentential switching outweighs the intra-sentential switching both in frequencies and percentage; discourse-related switching also outweighs participant-related switching in frequencies and percentage; the EFL is maintained longest in EFL classroom and the language maintained second longest depends upon learners" higher proficiency in Chinese or Tibetan. 2 Ethnic identity and educational background is the major causal factor of EFL teachers" Chinese-English switching in trilingual classroom; duration of language contact and relative trilingual proficiencies are the two principal contributors to the English-Tibetan switching; while Tibetan-English switching is mainly driven by EFL teachers" ethnic identity and education background, as well as the duration of language contact; English-Chinese switching is also largely motivated by the duration of trilingual contact; and Chinese-Tibetan switching is determined by trilingual proficiency to a considerable extent. Meanwhile, psychologically, the switching is mainly motivated by a procedure of psychological projection, trilingual system conceptualization and the mentality of trilingual selection. 3 The educational reflections upon this study indicate: firstly, in trilingual context, the teachers" classroom discourse is characterized by the multilingual involvement, flexibility in strategy option as well as the extension and strengthening of the domination of teachers" discourse. Secondly, the discourse movement and code-switching are largely affected by two cultural ecological mechanisms: enculturation and cultural manipulation. Thirdly, the status quo of EFL trilingual teachers are characterized by unbalanced trilingual proficiencies, poor cultural awareness, and little knowledge of trilingual education and trilingual code-switching, therefore, suggestions are advanced in the end to provide them further education. Fourthly, in trilingual context, the EFL curriculum for ethnic minorities is characterized by plurality of aims, complexity of organization and variety of resources. Meanwhile, it is of great necessity to understand the linguistic values of EFL education for ethnic minority learners. To be specific, firstly, we should not only have a deep understanding of the distribution, construction, function as well as communicative effects of the three languages, but also have a comparative study of the three languages and thus provide the standardization and guidance for the trilingual education. In the end, it is advanced that trilingual EFL provision for ethnic minority should pursue to develop learners" multicultural value system in which first language culture and mother language culture take the central position and EFL culture plays a vital role.


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We are interested in your suggestions about appointing us to be the single dealer.


Three types of empty-shell marriages have been identified. In a devitalized relationship husband and wife lack excitement or any real interest in their spouse or their marriage.


The deer tick is the variety that carries Lyme disease bacteria, but other types of ticks carry different unpleasant diseases.
