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与 consciousness 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot have that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they have eaten their lunch under have eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it smaller and smaller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a small potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


She is not in the washroom and then stopping, because it is finally his own point of view that he cares about and not hers, and with this firmly in mind, and a light, confident step, such as you might find in the works of Bulwer-Lytton, he enters the space she occupies so prettily and, taking her by the hand, proceeds to tear off the stiff white hospital gown (but no, we cannot h39e that kind of pornographic merde in this majestic and high-minded sentence, which will probably end up in the Library of Congress)(that was just something that took place inside his consciousness, as he looked at her, and since we know that consciousness is always consciousness of something, she is not entirely without responsibility in the matter) so, then, taking her by the hand, he falls into the stupendous white puree of her abyss, no, I mean rather that he asks her how long it has been since her last visit, and she says a fortnight, and he shudders, and tells her that with a condition like hers (she is an immensely popular soldier, and her troops win all their battles by pretending to be forests, the enemy discovering, at the last moment, that those trees they h39e eaten their lunch under h39e eyes and swords)(which reminds me of the performance, in 1845, of Robert-Houdin, called The Fantastic Orange Tree, wherein Robert-Houdin borrowed a lady's handkerchief, rubbed it between his hands and passed it into the center of an egg, after which he passed the egg into the center of a lemon, after which he passed the lemon into the center of an orange, then pressed the orange between his hands, making it 56aller and 56aller, until only a powder remained, whereupon he asked for a 56all potted orange tree and sprinkled the powder thereupon, upon which the tree burst into blossom, the blossoms turning into oranges, the oranges turning into butterflies, and the butterflies turning into beautiful young ladies, who then married members of the audience), a condition so damaging to real-time social intercourse of any kind, the best thing she can do is give up, and lay down her arms, and he will lie down in them, and together they will permit themselves a bit of the old slap and tickle, she wearing only her Mr.


The consciousness of space in the contemporary era is an energy field created by pure vision and perceptivity. It is also a key element in the making of abstract works of art. As viewed from the traditional art approach it is quite hard to apprehend the consciousness of space of the time. With the individuality and having various emotional attachments, consequentially artists' consciousness of space are not the same.


But this is not the only priory principle of specifying the scope of consciousness. There is also the principle of ownership: all consciousness is somebody's consciousness.


Starting from the real individual, Marx enters into the dimension of practice, and then he answers correctly to these two questions. For the real individual, the nature is not the abstract and isolated self-dependent nature, but the practical and humanized nature, namely the man and the nature are united. The production in which the real individual engaged is the material foundation on which the social consciousness relies, and with the change of social existence, the social consciousness changes as well; in other words, the social consciousness and the social existence are united.


Levine argues that the gap is an epistemological one that is compatible with the thesis that facts about consciousness supervene on the physical facts, while Jackson and Chalmers argue that the fact that there can be no conceptual analysis of consciousness supports metaphysical dualism: consciousness is neither identical with nor supervenient on the physical.

Levine认为这个鸿沟是认识上的,相容于'意识是附加在物理事实上的依附事实'的主张,而Jackson and Chalmers认为意识的不可概念分析支持形上学二元论:意识不是同一于也不是附着于物理物上。

In general, life consciousness includes the survival consciousness and the life value consciousness.


There arises tranquillity of mind with the characteristic of quietening the disturbances of consciousness and its mental concomitants; and along with it appear mental agility, etc.29 When walking, standing, sitting, or reclining there is, under the influence of these mental qualities, no disturbance of consciousness and its mental concomitants, nor heaviness, rigidity, unwieldiness, sickness, or crookedness.30 Rather, his consciousness and its mental concomitants are tranquil through having reached the supreme relief in non-action.31 They are agile in always functioning swiftly; they are pliant in being able to attend to any object desired; they are wieldy, in being able to attend to an object for any length of time desired; they are quite lucid through their proficiency, that is, through the ease with which insight penetrates the object; they are also straight through being directed, inclined, and turned only towards wholesome activities.


Based on Vico's philosophy, it is reasonable to support the hypothesis that the primitive consciousness can be seen as aesthetic consciousness or artistic consciousness.


To analyze the superiority and fallacious concepts of the antimodern consciousness Chinese modernization, we can easily find out that antimodernity must be based on modernity, antimodern consciousness must be based on modern consciousness.


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Refusing Consciousness
Maintain Consciousness
Caffeinated Consciousness

At the rear was an innovative combination transaxle with the gearbox, clutch, differential, and inboard-mounted drum brakes.


For more people can apprecaite and have the master work, there is reproduction painting appears in the market, the large various selection of paint,the high saturation of color plus the plentiful sfumato, to make the reproduction perfect copy and detail as original painting, so as to meet the requirment of amateurs who love art paintings,they do not need to pay high price to get classical paintings.


I hope you can acquire blessedness...
