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complete with相关的网络例句

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与 complete with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Patients with mech-anical injuries to corpus callosum, e,g., tumor compression, anterior or posterior cerebral artery infarction may have in neurological defects including left apraxia, left alexia or anomia to colors. Nevertheless, these symptoms may not occur in congenital corpus callosum agenesis, complete or incomplete.

胼胝体的后天缺损常造成患者左侧失用症及左侧失读症等右大脑无法取得左大脑资讯的症状;然而先天性胼胝体完全或部分缺损(complete or incomplete congenital corpus callosum agenesis)却不见得会有这些症状,相对的,它伴随其他症候群的机会则很大。

Now all Geely needs to do is offer a 'Royalty' accessory package complete with manservant, golden crown and assassination plot, and the GE owner's life will be complete.


The gunmen peppered a bookstand at the back of the hall with bullets, shattering the glass next to a copy of 'Complete Wellbeing' magazine, according to vendor Sarman Lal, who quivered on the floor saying his last prayers.

据大厅后面一家书报摊老板拉尔称,一名枪手向摊位狂扫一通,将一份《Complete Wellbeing》杂志旁的玻璃打得粉碎。拉尔吓得浑身发抖,一边趴在地上,一边默念著临终祷告。

Background and objective Although marked progress has been made in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia,about 20%~40% patients with AML failed to get complete remission after standard induction chemotherapy. Furthmore, approximate 70% patients in CR will die because of relapse or refractory to therapy during post remission chemotherapy.

研究背景及目的:尽管目前急性髓系白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)的治疗取得了显著的进步,但仍有20%~40%的患者经标准诱导治疗未能达到完全缓解(complete remission,CR),即使获得CR的患者,在巩固化疗后仍有70%左右复发或发展为难治性急性髓系白血病而治疗无效死亡。

A complete complete with Delphi in an area code input method.


The changes to our society would have to be extensive and complete, with the complete replacement of our use of fossil fuels for energy and a total reevaluation of our daily lifestyles.


For it is rubor after damaging to the closing soft tissue, getting swollen, getting hot aching and model of functiolaesa these bed solicit and there is no fracture,no skin damaged, we designed the corresponding experiment, namely the law of hot board causes little mouse\'s painful experiment of threshold of pain; Freun\'s complete adjuvant caused the swollen experiment of big mouse\'s foot;The xylene caused the swollen experiment of little mouse\'s ear; Invigorating blood circulation silt experiment that changes the sex that the rheology appearance examines the blood and flows with the blood; Useing the high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemistry Detected monoamine neurotransmitters transmitter in the brain and serum; the experiment of immunohistochemistry measured the proto-oncogene C-FOS expresses.

针对闭合性软组织损伤后的红、肿、热、痛及功能障碍的典型临床体征,加上无骨折、无皮肤破损的特点,我们设计了相应的实验,即热板法致小鼠疼痛的痛阈实验;福氏完全佐剂(Freun\'s complete adjuvant,FCA)致大鼠足肿实验;二甲苯致小鼠耳肿实验;用血流变仪测血液流变性的活血化瘀实验;运用高效液相色谱—电化学(high performance liquid chromatography-electrochemistry Detection HPLC-ECD)法测量大脑及血清中单胺类神经递质的实验以及免疫组织化学法检测原癌基因C-FOS蛋白产物表达的实验。

Using this method, when new rule being added, we need not use all un-reduced rules to simplify decision algorithm, only the rules which are rule complete with respect to an indiscernibility class are simplified; using this reduced decision algorithm in the Knowledge Represent System in which the decision algorithm is not complete, the decision with unknown correctness will not arise.


Hydra Complete immediately drenches skin with water that is similar to the water found naturally in your skin.

Hydra Complete多层次瞬透保湿系列,蕴涵与肌肤天然水分如出一辙的矿物水,能瞬间为缺水肌肤解渴。

The crystal has a sheet structure with three-dimensional network, and can be regarded as"quasi-complete solvation"of 37 by DMF in the crystalline state.


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My Life Is Complete With Jesus

The physiology of the skin machine body for the sake of the environment in the maintenance stability, but eject a body metabolism creation of metabolism thing BE'grease', summer perspire many various skin disease light or good, autumn perspire little metabolism thing metabolism don't go out, various skin disease made, this be the skin machine body of various burning disease.


If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead.


The argumentation way in which this literary grace using is based on color painting, setting out from two angles separately " color"、" ink and wash", making criticizition in texts of Chinese ancient drawing history; analyzing how "color" painting was on the way from ripe to losing; emphatically analyzing the reason of losing in color center, that is to say the reason of "the change of ink and wash ", and its reconstructional way of combination, development with "ink and wash" it was "replaced" by the afterward manner. In a word, the developing "replaced"by the afterward manner.
