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与 collar 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1979 and again in 1980, we had to lay off thousands of workers, blue-collar and white-collar alike


Era in the development of contemporary China's urban white-collar class, from their own values and identity of the identity, sense of belonging to their respective groups, as well as possession of social resources of example, has become relatively mature and the number of large special groups, and in the consumer level, a bodiless society of the elite class: the middle class or white-collar class.


In old-school training stimulus control is done with a choke collar or prong collar.


The nylon choke collar is best used in small dogs and puppies up to 3 months , because they tend to be more gentle and they tend to get young puppies used to wearing a collar .


By 'people' I mean; Individuals from all walks of life, employed in all types of work, blue collar, white collar etc. I also mean official blocks, governmental offices.


People who work in offices are often refered to as "white-collar",for a simple reason that they often wear a collar and a tie to work.


People who works in offices frequently refers to "white collar workers", for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie for work.


Designing the looseness of a lapel collar is not an easy work. In this research, the impact of the fabric performance on the rule of looseness of lapel collar is studied.


There were two types of garments: the curving-front unlined garment with buttons deviously down from the collar to the axilla; the straight-front unlined garment with buttons were straightly down from the collar to the lower part.


This paper researches the construction of clothing band collar and grown-on collar and analyses the interrelated relationship of construction by means of the image principle among cast planes of cast geometry and the direct reflective correspondence nature of square curve.


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Blue Collar Palace
White Collar Boy
Blue Collar
Jingle Of A Dog's Collar
The Lipstick On His Collar
Lipstick On Your Collar
Pop Ya Collar
Blue Collar
Collar Full
Blue Collar Done Turn Red

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
