英语人>网络例句>classify 相关的网络例句

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与 classify 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And we'll compare the chromatism of testing samples and standard samples to identify and classify the samples.


Research content except inquire into industry investment continent control policy form, connotation and development process outside, and introduce control policy in classify control industry in high-tech industry, service industries, infrastructure industry because crowd forgather effect with market demand under, circuity west enters China develop.


Based on the methods and techniques of covering theory, the structure of module category of tame concealed algebra, one-point extension, vector space category, finite enlargement, degeneration theory, stable equivalence and combinatorial method, we will classify all of the three-point algebras with Gabriel quiver the system quiver Q according to representation type. We get the classification theorem: Let A=kQ/I be a three-point algebra given by the system quiver Q.

本文综合利用覆盖理论,tame concealed代数模范畴的结构,单点扩张,向量空间范畴,有限enlargement,退化理论,稳定等价以及组合的方法等多种方法和技巧,将所有由系统箭图Q给出的三点代数按表示型进行分类,得到如下分类定理:Q是系统箭图,I是kQ的一个admissible理想。

So I am happy to classify this as a myth.


Exercise 3 asked you to classify π as one of the options.


I'd rather classify his novels as science fiction.


All in all , I'd classify myself as a constructive member of society.


I would classify him as a former thought leader.


We can classify this as the result of cultural expansion.


We may classify costs as variable cost and fixed cost for the purpose of planning and control.


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More than five decades after the Indian constitution promises a casteless society, there is no sign that the castes are disappearing.


Don't distract him from his studies.


I just want you to know that I think you are doing a terrific job.
