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The evolution of development economics is closely related to the development of economic globalization , particularly at the third phase(in 1940's) of economic globalization , during which development economics in modern sense sprang up. Its main research is about how the poverty - stricken agricultural countries or developing countries achieve industrialization. From its appearance to before 1980's, development economics consists of two forming phases of structuralism and neo - classicism. Since 1980's , in the tide of new economic globalization ,development economics has new tendency and is faced with predicaments.
发展经济学的产生与发展和经济全球化的发展有密切的关系,特别是在经济全球化进入第三阶段,即20 世纪40 年代,现代意义上的发展经济学兴起,其主要是研究贫困落后的农业国家或发展中国家如何实现工业化的问题,发展经济学从兴起到80 年代以前,可分为结构主义和新古典主义两个发展阶段。80 年代以来,在新的经济全球化的浪潮中,发展经济学既出现了新的发展趋势,也面临着困境。
Architectural education, Modern architecture, Chinese architectural tradition, Academicism
L The Chinese type classicism, this kind of style living at home by fresh is elegantly simple primarily, the broken flowers window blind, the insightful antependium, rich green plants and so on reel calligraphy and painting as well as narcissus, asparagus fern have become the Chinese type classicism indispensable soft decoration.
l 中式古典主义,这种风格的家居以清新淡雅为主,碎花的窗帘、通透的帷幔、书香浓郁的卷轴字画以及水仙、文竹等绿色植物已成为中式古典主义不可或缺的软装饰。
The technique elements of the modern music existed in the piano accompany part of Chinese art songs in the first half of 20th century, such as modes-semitone system of Neo-Nationalism in Music, bicinium technique of Neo-Classicism, and free atonality of Expressionism.
The Country also stood for an experience of the world confined to the shires of England, as opposed to the sophistication bred of the Grand Tour through France and Italy; for the maintenance of open hospitality for all, as opposed to the offering of luxurious private dinner parties in the City; for a highly conservative taste in Jacobethan architecture, as opposed the new-fangled classicism of Inigo Jones; for a highly conservative taste in portrait-painting, as opposed to the courtly continental innovations of Van Dyke; for a highly conservative taste in clothes, as opposed to the dizzily changing fashions of the beau monde at Court.
A rebirth of classicism in architecture.Truth is, the whole family regards little Danny James as a miracle -- the latest blessed event in the Carpenters' extraordinary saga of birth and rebirth .
Stravinsky's rival for a time in neo-classicism was the German Paul Hindemith, who mixed spiky dissonance, polyphony and free ranging chromaticism into a style which was "useful".
而当时的经济状况也驱使作曲家们走向小型合奏的规模,因而这种「do more with less」的寻求得到了具体的实践。
As classicism music model, he to European music development huge function.
Liang Shi-qiu analyzed the process of marching: form Liberty spirits of classicism to eclipse of neoclassism, and to the resistance of Romanism and finally established the theoretical base for his own theory of classicism.
At the same time, with the re-recognition of the western modern aesthetics and classicism, the relationship among modernism, post-modernism as well as classicism is discussed. Their development and practical significance are treated dialectically.
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