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Classical matrix groups play a prominent role in this study, not only as vehicles to illustrate general results but as primary objects of interest.


Software Description: About Classical Block, This classic Tetris games supports MIDI, WAV or MP3 background music of your choosing.

Classical Block 这古典的 Tetris 游戏支持你的选择的 MIDI, WAV 或者 MP3 背景音乐,你能够改变方块风格和游戏是可换皮肤的。现在游乐器与个人计算机的图形与声音机能越来越强大,但游戏真的变好玩了吗?

Hog cholera is infectious diseases of world-wide economic importance. Classical swine fever virus is the causative agent of hog cholera.

猪瘟是严重影响养猪业生产的烈性传染病之一,猪瘟病毒(classical swine fevervirus,CSFV)是引起猪瘟的致病原。

Even Monadnock didn';t ignore the reality and produced its friction lock batons – Classical Friction Lock.

即便是Monadnock也没有忽视现实,它生产了阻力锁定甩棍-- Classical Friction Lock。

On Australia Day 1997, Michael opened the Gift to a Nation concert, performing Classical Gas with Tommy Tycho's orchestra.

在1997年澳洲国庆节那天,Michael为国家音乐会献了份礼,与TommyTycho交响乐团合奏了classical Gas。

Objective To investigate whether the chroma of natural teeth in cervical, middle and incisal position are consistent with Vita Classical shade guides in the same position.

目的:探讨分析天然牙与同名色系的Vita Classical比色片颈部、中部、切部的色度值是否一致,是否具有可比性。

Objective To improve the veracity of colour-matching, we studied the widdle 1/3 of Vitapan Classical tabs.

目的:研究Vitapan Classical比色板各比色片中1/3部分的色度值的分布规律,以利于提高临床上的比色准确率。

By the Classical Age, older boys were dispatched to live in the wilds for a period as members of the "secret band" whose job it was to murder any helots who seemed likely to foment rebellion.

至Classical Age(希腊的一个时期,其余的还有Dark Age, Golden Age…以后叙述希腊史的时候再明确说明),年长一些的男孩加入一个秘密的组织,并被派往野外生存一段时间,他们的任务是刺杀有煽动叛乱嫌疑的奴隶。

Also see A companion to philosophy of law and legal theory, edited by Dennis Patterson, Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1999, at 221-227, Raymond Wacks, Philosophy of Law: A Very Short Introduction,(New York, Oxford University Press, 2006), at 14, Philip Soper, In Defense of Classical Natural Law in Legal Theory: Why Unjust Law is No Law at All, 20 Can.

在英美法理学中, classical natural law (少数情况下使用 traditional natural law )都是用以指称亚里士多德-阿奎那传统的自然法,而不是近代的自然权利理论,自然权利理论甚至被明确地同自然法理论区分开来。

Newman's music appears on Sony Classical on the recently released soundtrack for Erin Brockovich (SK 89239), a film directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring two-time Academy Award-nominee Julia Roberts, who stars as the twice-divorced mother of three young children who defies the odds by taking on and defeating a major public utilities company.

Newman的音乐出现在Sony Classical公司最近发行的唱片中,这张唱片是为配合《Erin Brockovich》(SK 89239),一部由Steven Soderbergh执导,并由获得两次奥斯卡提名的Julia Roberts主演的电影而发行的。Julia主演一位两次离婚、有三个孩子的母亲,通过与公用事业大公司的较量并获胜,反抗了不平等的待遇。

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Classical (Intro)
Classical Teacher
Restless (Classical Version)

I put some current in side the surface and use two planes to cut the surface, then made two Amperian loops, then do integral on Theta.


Toucans|for this musical revue in Brazil.

知道吗 我以前去找能唱歌的鸟|为巴西的音乐剧找巨嘴鸟

Description:描述: You're a treasure seeker in search of lost tombs and temples that you learned about from some old papyrus scrolls.
