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与 chocolate 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"In making chocolate, the kernels of fermented and roasted cacao bean s are ground into a paste called chocolate liquor, which may be hardened in molds to form baking chocolate, pressed to reduce the cocoa butter content and then pulverized to make cocoa powder, or mixed with sugar and additional cocoa butter to make sweet chocolate."


The sift chocolate cake carries hints of hazelnut - very light and won't make you too full. The chocolate fantasie on the other hand is much richer overall and was probably enjoyed the least out of these four desserts because it was 1. too much chocolate for my liking, and despite having chocolate in 4 forms on one plate, none of the forms did justice to the chocolate theme.

Apple tarte tatin -我还是第一次吃~非常非常喜欢这个甜品~原来Apple tarte 本身是因为一次错误把挞反转来烤而发明的,这都是开心的食友告诉我的呢~这个制成品出奇地好吃~ tart和苹果微温再配上云呢拿雪糕…甜度刚刚好~perfect!!!!

Other than that, this restaurant got sell the Chocolate Fondue......

另外,这家餐厅的甜品竟然有卖巧克力喷泉(Chocolate fondue!。。。。。。

I've experienced the Chocolate Malt-O-Meal effect more than a few times over the years. It has made me gun-shy.

这些年来,类似Chocolate Malt-O-Meal的事情我遇到过很多次,这简直把我变成了惊弓之鸟。

However, when we talk about the types of chocolate, it refers to three types of chocolate namely: milk chocolate, white chocolate and plain chocolate.


We mainly produce the chocolate filling and pouring line , chocolate ball milling machine , chocolate conch , chocolate tank , automatical tempering machine , tempering tank , vibrating table , enrobe ring line , cooling tunnel , ball sweets forming machine , golden coin embossing press , mylikes chocolate filling machine , moulage machine , hot chamber , polish pot , peanut crusher , peanut coat shelling machine etc , they are our regular products , which have been in the domestic market and global market for many years , therefore we enjoy our client 's confidence and win good feedback and reputation from our clients .


Others believe the word chocolate w as created by combining Mayan and Nahuatl words.

有些专家则认为 chocolate 这个词是玛雅语和那瓦特语相结合的产物。

Milk chocolate has 154 mg of theobromine for each 100 gm of chocolate, while for the same weight, semisweet chocolate has (528 mg) 3-4 times more, with bitter baking chocolate carrying a massive (1,365 mg) 9 times more of theobromine.


For the chocolate lover you may want to add either mini chocolate chips or small chunks of chopped semi sweet chocolate to the batter or, better yet, dip the bottoms of the baked and cooled cookies in melted semisweet or bittersweet chocolate.


Lots of Alaskans would like to get a bear in their rifle sights; Treadwell sang and read to the grizzlies on the rugged Katmai Coast, and gave them names like Thumper, Mr. Chocolate and Squiggle.


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Elegy (Big Chocolate Remix)
Chocolate Legs
Chocolate Jesus
German Chocolate
Chocolate Brown
Chocolate Cake
Sugar Chocolate
Chocolate Rain

The sun will go downhill soon , I sit to be dead tired on the bicycle, Wang Ming also feels very weary , we have a rest thereupon on arriving in a slice exuberant grassplot.


My professional interest is the type of community-based enterprises.


This is I last time bursts into tears for you!
