英语人>网络例句>chi 相关的网络例句
与 chi 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chi(2): 8.7; P = 0.003. Fractured and nonfractured acromegalic patients showed no significant difference in age and BMD Z-score.

22.6%; chi(2): 8.7; P = 0.003。骨折和非骨折肢端肥大症患者在年龄和BMD Z评分上没有明显差别。

If this is the case, call upon apophyllite to bring forth the chi required to augment the change.


The cords of attachment create a hole in the auric field that allows chi to be lost.

连接的连线创造了让 chi 遗失的金场之洞。

This is the difficulty with the current scripts that give all the chi to the Anu descendents; and then the Anu who do not require all the chi barter it away to the nonphysical.


Firstly, single factor analysis, including Independent-sample T Test for scale variables, Chi-square Test for binomial and nominal variables, Nonparametric Test for ordinal variables, was used in 60 clinical variables.

先将所调查的60个临床指标进行单因素分析,连续型变量采用独立样本t检验(Independent-Sample t Test),二分类变量和无序变量采用卡方检验(Chi-squareTest),有序变量采用非参数检验(Nonparametric Test,NPar)。

In order to improve the validity of identifi cation of digital image origin and predetermine accurately threshold of identification,a new probability density function of generalized chi square distribution is constructed within0,1 for asymmetrical distribution of noise correlation.


The loss of chi is the result of two things.


Often the one with the free ride takes most of the chi of the group; and then barters it away to forces that use it in manners that are non-supportive of earth or the group in community.


Such ongoing loss of chi sabotages one's ascension as one must continually accumulate more chi in order to push up in vibration.

这类持续的 chi 丢失破坏了提升,因为一个人必须持续聚集更多的 chi 来推动振动。

The results showed:①Anthocyanin content in mature fruits was 132170 U·g-1FW in bud mutation which was very significantly higher than that in'Ralls'(49140 U·g-1FW);②Activities of PAL and UFGT were almost the same between the two materials, but CH I and DFR activitieswere significantly high in bud mutation, which were related to the increase of anthocyanin levels in the mutant;③Bagging treatment inhibited anthocyanin synthesis of bud mutation. But anthocyanin content had significantly increased after removing the bags. Activities of CHI and UFGT increased rap idly and were much higher than those in the control after the bag removal. The increase was consistentwith the imp rovement of anthocyanin levels.

结果显示:①在果实发育期间,芽变果皮的花青苷含量明显高于'国光',尤其是成熟期芽变果皮花青苷含量为132170 U·g-1FW,而'国光'仅为49140 U·g-1FW;②在果实发育期间,两个品种间PAL 和UFGT的酶活性无明显差异,但芽变的CHI和DFR酶活性明显高于'国光',表明芽变花青苷合成能力的提高与CHI和DFR酶活性高有关;③套袋抑制芽变果皮花青苷的合成,但解袋后花青苷的含量极显著升高,解袋后4种酶的变化趋势差异较大, CHI和UFGT活性均迅速升高,明显高于对照,这与解袋后花青苷迅速合成相吻合。

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CHI (Need To Know)
Un Chi Chi
A Chi Mi Dice
Chi Il Bel Sogno Di Doretta
Chi Town
Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba (My Bambino Go To Sleep)
Chi-Chi Man

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
