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In the second elegy, also, the intention seems to be, with the change of strophe, to change from the third person to the second, and from the second to the first person.

在第二个挽歌,也意图似乎是,随著变化strophe ,改变从第三人的第二次,从第二到的第一人。

A change from one scene to another, or from one sequence to another, usually occurs when there is a change in the location of the action or a lapse in time or both.


In short, all living things are developments from these one-celled organisms. They have developed step by step through change upon change from these first, simple, living things.


In other cases, The simulation gives that as the coefficient of square velocity item varies from small to large the respondence of the chaos system change from chaos change to stable periodic orbit and then to dissipation movement.


In I walk up newly this time of lesson object use new lesson object principle, rightness ever drive oneself see as experience of standpoint and way of doing carried on to re- examine, to oneself of teaching thought and the behavior carried on to introspect, teacher should from"with teach settle learn" to"with learn settle teach" change;From"the induction of the value ready-made conclusion" to"value learning process of experience" change.


Apparently, the giant panda's evolution from Ursus to Ailuropoda required the change of only a few genetic messages (5 or 6 perhaps), yet the phenotypic and lifestyle change from a standard bear is considerable. The transition could therefore be effected relatively swiftly.


The idea of that dreary and endless melancholy, which the fancy naturally ascribes to their condition, arises altogether from our joining to the change which has been produced upon them, our own consciousness of that change,from our putting ourselves in their situation, and from our lodging, if I may be allowed to say so, our own living souls in their inanimated bodies, and thence conceiving what would be our emotions in this case.


Methods In order to estimate core temperature T(subscript c from skin temperature T(subscript s, the paper simulated an environmental temperature T(subscript e change. From the change, the paper obtained the thermoresistance ratio of adiabator R(subscript e and body surface tissue R(subscript c, at the same time, deducted environmental temperature T(subscript e influences from the skin temperature T(subscript s. The feasibility and accuracy of the method was tested by a self-made body temperature simulator.

提出通过人为改变环境温度T(下标 e而获得个性化的绝热材料热阻R(下标 e对体表组织热阻R(下标 c比值的途径,实现从皮肤温度T(下标 s中扣除环境温度T(下标 e影响,从而达到从皮肤温度T(下标 s测值中估计体核温度T(下标 c的方案和具体测量方法,并用自行设计的模拟体温发生器对此方案进行了可行性和准确性验证。

I reject the company's extensive product processing bamboo and a single model of development in the bamboo processing and utilization, market-oriented, from rough to the deep-processing, finishing change from the use of a single change to the comprehensive development, from low value-added Product changes to the comprehensive development and utilization, and gradually improve product quality.


For instance, the electron neutrino is created from the change from proton to neutron while the electron antineutrino is formed from the change of a neutron to a proton.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
