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Nicolas Retsinas, the director of the Joint Centre for Housing Studies at Harvard University, suggests that, until the crash in 2008, Americans were coming to see their homes as financial investments rather than as places to live.

哈佛大学住宅联合研究中心(Joint Centre for Housing Studies at Harvard University)主任尼古拉斯·雷特西纳斯表示,在2008年美国经济衰退之前,美国人将其房屋视为金融投资而非住宅。

Our professional approach to management education led to the opening of Nottingham Business School's Bass Management Centre, which incorporates the latest communications and information technology.

管理中心:Management Centre 我们在管理教育领域的专业方法使诺丁汉商学院的'巴斯'管理中心得以建立,该中心提供最新通信及信息技术。

Our professional approach to management education led to the opening of Nottingham Business School's Bass Management Centre, which incorporates the latest communications and information technology.

Management Centre 我们在管理教育领域的专业方法使诺丁汉商学院的'巴斯'管理中心得以建立,该中心提供最新通信及信息技术。

Our professional approach to management education led to the opening of Nottingham Business School's Bass Management Centre, which incorporates the latest communications and information technology.

Management Centre 我们在管教育领域的专业方法使诺丁汉商学院的'巴斯'管中心得以建立,该中心提供最新通信及信息技术。

Such signs of strain on America's military forces are like dead "canaries in the mineshaft" that warn of impending disaster, says Andrew Krepinevich, president of the Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, a defence think-tank.

这些标志美国军力紧张的迹象简直就像&竖井里的金丝雀&一样警告灾难迫在眉睫,一个防卫智库战略与预算评估中心(the Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments)的主任,Andrew Krepinevich如是说。

Guests can also visit the rare eagle in the Philippine Eagle Research and Nature Centre, located in Malagos, Calinan, which is 45 minutes from downtown Davao City.

游客如有兴趣一睹罕有的菲律宾大鹰,可到位於Malagos, Calinan的野生大鹰研究及自然保育中心(Philippine Eagle Research and Nature Centre),从达沃市中心出发大约45分钟车程。

Award winning buildings undertaken by the practice include:The Earth Centre Conference Building, Doncaster and The BedZED development, South London.

实际被授予获奖的建筑包括:位于Doncaster的Earth Centre会议楼和伦敦南部BedZED发展项目。

Training in methodologies for planning digital libraries and the use of free software for their creation will be provided from 21 to 25 February 2005 in Fortaleza, Brazil, during a workshop organized by UNESCO, the Federal University of Ceará, Brazil , and the Centre for Training and Development in Fortaleza.

2005年2月21日到25日,数字图书馆计划方法论以及使用自由软件建立数字图书馆培训在巴西福塔莱萨举行;期间,由联合国教科文组织、巴西塞阿拉州联邦大学(Federal University of Ceará)和培训发展中心(Centre for Training and Development ,CETREDE)组织的一个研讨会同时在福塔莱萨举行。

Rizal Sukma, of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, a Jakarta think-tank, has argued that good relations with its neighbours in ASEAN should not be the country's only concern.

雅加达智库战略与国际关系研究中心(Centre for Strategic and International Studies)的Rizal Sukma认为,印尼不应该只关注与东盟各邻国修好。

The car was then restored by the Bandt family. It is currently loaned to Ford Australia and being displayed in Ford Discovery Centre in Geelong.

当时斑特家庭决定重建该车,而那辆车现在借给位於 Geelong 志朗的 Ford Discovery Centre 福特汽车发现中心。

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Trouble On The Message Centre
Rehab Centre For Fictional Characters
Centre Of Gravity
The Fusion Centre
Centre Of My Heart
Centre For Holy Wars
Centre Of Eternity
Community Centre

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
