英语人>网络例句>capture 相关的网络例句

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与 capture 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pressing sore is a kind of local skin and subcutaneous tissue injury, as a result of pressure, shearing force or body and the attrition that contact the surface force causes [1] , pressing is clinical all the time since sore is long-term nurse in the job relatively a Gordian knot, it is to nurse the chronic and stubborn disease that the job needs to capture.

梗概: 压疮是一种局部皮肤及皮下组织损伤,由于压力、剪切力或身体和接触表面的摩擦力造成的[1],压疮长期以来一直是临床护理工作中较为棘手的新问题,是护理工作需攻克的顽症。

How 1 do it is like this.l watch absorbedly the cicada's wings,ignoring completely the things around me and not allowing any-thing to distract my attention. So how can 1 fail to capture it?


In 1936, he headed up the Italian forces during the invasion of Abyssinia, and was made the Duke of Addis Ababa after being credited for the capture of that city.


Abyssinia Crisis: Italian troops attack Wal Wal in Abyssinia, taking four days to capture the city.


It is policy of allowance of social security of personnel of will flexible obtain employment from hold " again obtain employment accommodation paper "" 4050 " personnel expands the personnel of other and flexible obtain employment that holds card, made clear " 4050 " the 2/3 that the level of social security subsidy of personnel presses formulary capture to expend the specified amount for personnel of flexible obtain employment, the subsidy level of personnel of other and flexible obtain employment is decided actually by each district union.


No accounting convention can capture his sterling record.


The study includes influences of filtration media kind and filtration velocity on filtration quality and pressure drop. The results show that the oil capture ability of walnut shell is better, the capture ability of suspended solid of walnut shell and silica sand is better, the pressure drop of anthracite is lower, and the pressure drop of walnut shell and silica sand is higher.


This paper introduced 10MOONS 2000 PLUS that is a video capture card based on 32-bit PCI Bus architecture and gave a particular description of how to use its dynamic link library function to capture the video stream and make video monitor program with an instance of video monitor system in the lab.


Another was a new capture the flag or capture point mode that wasn't finished yet and I did not want to rush it.


In particular - Death-match, Team death-match, Capture the flag and Onstage capture of flag.


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Capture Me
Capture (Malitia Pt. 3)
Capture The Light
Sister Rosetta (Capture The Spirit)
The Capture And The Captor
Capture My Heart
Capture My Heart

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
