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Elijah of Wilna's attacks on Hasidism chiefly brought it about that those circles in Russia and Poland which oppose asidism also avoid the Cabala, as the real domain of the asidim.

以利亚的维尔纳的攻击hasidism主要是它带来的对那些在俄各界和波兰反对asidism也可以避免cabala ,因为真正的域的

Through Reuchlin (1455-1522) the Cabala became an important factor in leavening the religious movements of the time of the Reformation.

通过Reuchlin ( 1455年至1522年)的Cabala成为一个重要的因素,膨松的宗教运动的时间改革。

In the description of the "six days of creation," in the Midrash in question, the important statement is made that the water disobeyed God's command-an old mythological doctrine of God's contest with matter, which in the later Cabala serves to account for the presence of evil in the world.


The latter also wrote a defense of the Cabala against the attacks of Modena.


Gabirol, as well as the author of "Torat ha-Nefesh," bears evidence of this influence on Jewish philosophy; while the Cabala took up the mystic elements of Neoplatonism.

Gabirol ,以及作者的" Torat公顷,诉愿,"有证据证明这一点的影响犹太哲学;而Cabala了神秘的新柏拉图主义的内容。

This division of the Sefirot, which goes through the entire Cabala, is found as early as Pire R. Eliezer III., from which the "Bahir" largely borrowed; but here for the first time the doctrine of the emanation of the Sefirot is clearly enunciated.

这个师的sefirot ,它是通过整个cabala ,是早见于pire传译埃利泽三中,从这些" bahir "基本上是借来的,但在这里,为第一次学说的射气的sefirot显然阐述。

Gnosticism-that is, the cabalistic "okmah", translated into "Madda'"(Aramaic,"Manda'"= knowledge of things divine)-seems to have been the first attempt on the part of the Jewish sages to give the empirical mystic lore, with the help of Platonic and Pythagorean or Stoic ideas, a speculative turn; hence the danger of heresy from which Akiba and Ben Zoma strove to extricate themselves, and of which the systems of Philo, an adept in Cabala (see "De Cherubim," 14;"De Sacrificiis Abelis et Caini," 15;"De Eo Quod Deterius Potiori Insidiatur," 48;"Quis Rerum Divinarum Heres Sit," 22), and of Paul see Matter,"History of Gnosticism," ii.

诺斯替主义,也就是说, cabalistic " okmah ",翻译成" Madda "(阿拉姆,"曼达"=知识的神圣的东西)似乎是第一次尝试对部分犹太圣人给实证神秘传说的帮助下,柏拉图和毕达哥拉斯或斯多葛思想,投机反过来,因此危险的异端邪说从秋叶忠利和本祖马力求脱困,以及该系统的哲学,一个善於Cabala (见"德革鲁宾," 14 ";德Sacrificiis Abelis等彩妮," 15 ;"德御宁狱吏Deterius Potiori Insidiatur ," 48 "; Quis事物Divinarum继承人坐下," 22 )和保罗(见物,"历史的诺斯替主义"二。

But the great importance of the Cabala for rabbinical Judaism lies in the fact that it prevented the latter from becoming fossilized.


Although rabbinism itself had adopted some features of the Cabala, it had adapted them to fit into its own religious system: it added to the stern discipline of ritualism the gloomy asceticism of the "practical cabalists" of the East, who saw the essence of earthly existence only in fasting, in penance, in self-torture, and in spiritual sadness.

虽然rabbinism本身已采取了一些新的特点该cabala ,它适应了它们融入自己的宗教体系:添加到严峻的纪律礼暗淡禁欲主义的"现实cabalists "的东部地区,他们看到的本质俗世存在只有在空腹,在忏悔,自虐,而在精神上的悲伤。

As in the Talmud, so in the Cabala man is represented as the sum and the highest product of creation.


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