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与 bread 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Today i went to give hand to my old sister and her husband in their small bakehouse这个比bread store 更符合表达习惯)which is opened newly.I was busy with making bread and selling them .The bread is made of flour and egg. Those made by my brother-in-law are very delicious,and it is a pleasure of working there.


It can prevent the bread and toast to be hardened when using Master Chu Japanese bread softened powder in it, make the bread and toast to be soft and extend its pliability.


The results showed steamed bread, bread and cream wafers had all pass, puffed food had 68% pass rate and fried bread stick had 25% only.


The storable bread has in bread flour in 1000 weight portions water keeping agent 10-200 weight portions, acidity regulator 1-10 weight portions and preservative 0.5-2.5 weight portions other than conventional bread material, and is packed in a sealed bag together with deoxidant.


Sliced Bread 切片面包 The most common form of bread in Americaethe mass-produced white, soft doughy bread in plastic bags with a shelf life of weeks is likely a major component of obesity and diabetes.


Rye bread will do you good, barley bread will do you no harm, wheaten bread will do your blood, oaten bread will strengthen your arm.


Basically, there are 3 kinds of bread: yeast bread, quick bread and flat bread.


In 1882, Weston 17-year-old from his boss to buy GH Bowen bread production line, according to his experience, he believed that a wholesale bread bakery shop will be sold directly to users would lead to greater profits, because at that time bread manufacturing industry is very depressed, Bowen quickly agreed to his request, and then he bought off all the equipment Bowen, Weston began producing its own bread and open up their markets, so the first Weston store up the success of the operation.

1882年,年仅17岁的威斯顿决定从他的老板 G.H。 Bowen买下面包生产线,根据他的经验,他认为一个面包批发店将面包直接销给用户会带来更大的利润,由于当时的面包制造行业很不景气,Bowen很快就同意了他的要求,而后他断断续续的购买了Bowen的所有设备,威斯顿开始生产自己的面包,开拓自己的市场,就这样第一家乔治威斯顿商店成功的经营起来。

In order to present the quality index of assistant selection for the improvement of specific cultivars with high quality for pan bread, steamed bread and white salted noodle in Xinjiang winter wheat breeding programe, in this study, 30 winter wheat cultivars, including bred cultivars in Xinjiang, and introduced cultivars collected from overseas and other provinces in China, were used to investigate the relationship between qulity traits and processing quality of pan bread, steamed bread and noodle.


Basically, there are 3 kinds of bread: yeast bread, quick bread and flat bread.


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Rice And Bread
Bread And Blood
Break Bread
Break Bread
Bread Crumbs
Let Us Break Bread Together
Shortenin' Bread
Bread And Butter
Bread And Water

Next time I see you,I shall give you a black eye.


In this paper,design scheme of classification system of wood surface color is established.


With a few exceptions (a sea-monster attack seems to go on forever), this is where the film outdoes its predecessor.
