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And some of our people, who had faithfully and bravely sustained the conflict of persecution, again became frank and bold toward all; but as many as had been diseased in the faith and had been shaken in their souls by the tempest, strove eagerly for healing, beseeching and imploring the strong to stretch out to them a saving hand, and supplicating God to be merciful unto them.


42 Whatever has been spoken presumptuously by me thinking of You as a friend due to delusion or due to affection thus; O Krsna, O Yadava, O dear friend without knowing Your glories and universal form; O infallible one whatever disrespect may have occurred in jest at times of sporting, resting, sitting and eating; alone or also among companions, all these things I am beseeching You to please forgive.


She cried, lifting her noble-looking face up to me, all stained as it was with tears, with an air of infinite beseeching that went straight to my heart.


For in the past you have only talked to Me, praying toMe, interceding with Me, beseeching Me. Yet now can I talk back to you, even as I am doinghere.


I suddenly threw myself at her feet , beseeching her as a particular favor or give me a good slippering for my disbehavior


It was said that whenever people were passing through the temple at night, they would often hear severe scolding and cruel whippings, followed by hopeless wails bitterly beseeching mercy, directly from the inside of temple.


The Pseudo-Clementine homilies contain as a preface two letters, the first of which purports to be from Peter to James the Less, beseeching him to keep his preaching secret.


The front door of the hollow tree faced eastwards, so Toad was called at an early hour; partly by the bright sunlight streaming in on him, partly by the exceeding coldness of his toes, which made him dream that he was at Home in bed in his own handsome room with the Tudor window, on a cold winter's night, and his bedclothes had got up, grumbling and protesting they couldn't stand the cold any longer, and had run downstairs to the kitchen fire to warm themselves; and he had followed, on bare feet, along miles and miles of icy stone-paved passages, arguing and beseeching them to be reasonable.


The complaint of a human heart, sorrow-laden and perchance guilty is telling its secret, whether of guilt or sorrow, to the great heart of mankind, beseeching its sympathy or forgiveness--at every moment--in each accent and never in vain!


The complaint of a human heart, sorrow-laden and perchance guilty is telling its secret, whether of guilt or sorrow, to the great heart of mankind, beseeching its sympathy or forgiveness--at every moment--in each accent and never in vain!


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I think he's learned how to approach hitters....

Johhny Damon说,『他已是最好的了,再没有人能够比他做的更好,我想他的球技已经完全成熟了,而且他也已经学会了如何去对付和压迫各种打击者。。。。。。

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